~52~ Sing

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Ellie's POV

We run upstairs as fast as we can and change. I throw several things into a bag so I can get ready on the way.

"Em, Luke" I yell as I'm pulling up my jeans.

They come in quickly. "Dad and I are going to be gone all day. Your sister went to that competition. "Luke, you were spending all day with Trace today at his house, weren't you?" I ask.

He just nods. "Can Emma tag along? Liam and Savannah are out of town with Alex and Lilah" I say. I know Emma is plenty old enough to stay home alone, but we're going to be gone until late tonight.

"Sure" Luke says.

"Mom, can I just go to Olivia's?" She asks. Her tone is weird. I'll have to worry about that later. I don't have time right now.

I notice Luke is giving her a funny look now too. Hmmm. My mind has been on Sasha so much lately, I'm apparently dropping the ball with these two.

"No. Please do as I ask. I'll call Megan on the way" I say, looking at her sternly.

She just nods silently. I then feel guilty. "I'll ask Megan if Olivia can go to their house. Would you be ok with that?" I ask.

She just nods.

"Ellie, we've got to go now" Taylor says, coming out of the bathroom. He got to shower. Lucky.

I kiss them both quickly. "I'll call Megan and have them pick you up. You guys be good" I say as we rush down the stairs.

We get in the car and Taylor tears out, driving like a maniac. I call Megan as soon as we leave, explaining the situation.

"Of course. I'll go pick up the kids and then we will pick up Olivia. Depending on what time you get back the kids can stay the night. Emma can stay in the guest room" she says. I have the best friend. Everybody needs a Megan in their life. I was lost before I met her.

"Thank you. I owe you" I say with a sigh.

"No you don't. Love you, girly" she says.

"Love you too" I say as I hang up the phone.

Once I hang up, I look at the speedometer. "Taylor, if you don't slow down, you're going to get a ticket. Then it will take us even longer to get to her" I say. He says nothing, but I can feel the car slowing down.

I start rooting through my bag, and find my dry shampoo. I spray it on my hair and Taylor immediately starts coughing.

"Damn it, Ellie. You trying to kill me?" He asks as he rolls down his window.

"Sorry. Some of us didn't get the luxury of a shower" I snap back.

"Don't blame this on me" he says, not appreciating my tone.

We say nothing as I brush out my hair and do my best to get it to look decent. I hate not being able to shower.

Once I've decided that my hair isn't going to look any better, I start on my makeup. "I'm going to do my mascara. Don't drive like a doofus and make me poke my eye out, hear me?" I ask.

He salutes me. "Yes ma'am" he says with a smirk.

I do the best I can, while riding with a crazy person, and decide that this is as good as it's going to get.

"You know, for not getting to shower, you sure are cute" he says with a grin.

"At least I had a chance to change my underwear" I mutter under my breath.

Taylor laughs "Wouldn't have hurt my feelings if you didn't put any on" he says, squeezing my thigh.

We ride in silence most of the way. We're both just so irritated. "Better call Lance. I don't think we will make it in time to pull her" Taylor says, annoyed.

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