~83~ Everything

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Emma's POV

Trace and I have math together this year. Actually, we have several classes together, but math we got assigned to sit next to each other. I'm over him. He's been a friend since before I can remember, and now he's acting like a baby.

I'm not going to lie, finding out that he has a crush on me was one of the best moments of my life. Trace Greene, the hottest guy in school, likes me? What's there to like? I'm a nobody.

Now that he has been ignoring me, I'm frustrated. I didn't do anything wrong.

I'm sitting in class and I can see Trace out of the corner of my eye. He's watching me. This is the first time he's even looked in my direction in two months. I ignore it.

I'm taking notes, and he continues to stare at me. He stares at me the rest of class. Why am I feeling butterflies? I'm mad at him.

When the bell rings I gather my stuff up quickly and leave without looking at him at all.

The rest of the day, I ignore Trace's stares. He's
been staring at me hard. It almost seems like he wants me to catch him staring. That's not going to happen though. I'm not looking at him.

I meet Luke at his locker. Normally he drives us to and from school. However, he's lost his car, so I drive us now. When I get to his locker, I see Trace. Fantastic.

"Hey Emmy" Luke says with a smile.

"Ready?" I ask, returning the smile.

"Yeah. Care if Trace hitches a ride? He's coming over" Luke says.

"Sure" I say quietly.

Trace and Luke are talking as we walk down the hall. We go out and walk to my car, and they're still goofing around, being dumb. Trace even jumps on Luke's back at one point and makes him piggyback him to the car.

"Man, Dude. Lay off the cheeseburgers. You're getting heavy" Luke groans as he lets go of him when we get to the car.

Trace chuckles. "Dude, it's muscle. I've been busting my ass this year" he says, smiling and pushing Luke jokingly.

We get in the car and I start driving.

"Man I'm missing my car" Luke says sadly.

"When you getting it back?" Trace asks.

"Who knows. Dad says it's up to mom, and mom is being difficult" he says darkly.

Luke then turns his attention to me. "Have a good day?" He asks with a smile.

"Yeah" I say quietly.

"How did you do on your history test? I know you were stressed about it" he asks.

"I don't know. West's tests are always so hard" I say.

"Yeah, they are" he agrees.

We get home and I go to my room. I'm such an introvert, that I just need time to myself when I get home. I recharge when I'm alone. Thankfully Sasha is always so busy, she's hardly ever home. It's almost like having my own room again.

I'm in my room for about an hour when I decide to go downstairs.

I go downstairs and get a soda. I decide to sit outside on the swing; It's beautiful out.

I'm swinging for about ten minutes, watching the wind make the leaves on the Ash Tree dance, when the door opens. I figure it's mom.

I'm still lost in the beauty of the day, and I still haven't looked up when I feel someone sit next to me.

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