~44~ Get off the Sidelines

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Emma's POV

I've been going to Jake's gym for several months now. I'm surprised at how much I love it. I'm not interested in working out. Weight lifting and cardio isn't fun. It's the kickboxing. I'm absolutely loving it.

Dad drops me off today, and kisses me goodbye. "Wes and Trace are picking you up today. Trace is spending the night, and it's right on the way" he says as I get out.

"Ok. See you at home" I say, waving goodbye.

"Get a swing in for me. I've always wanted to actually punch him" he says with a teasing grin.

He drives off and I go in. Jake is helping an older lady with a machine she's having trouble with. He sees me and waves, letting me know he will be over in a second.

When he gets over to me, he gives me a hug. I actually really love him. He's funny. He's just as goofy as mom is... I heard how they didn't get along for a long time, and Liam told me once how he never saw Jake smile until he was 17. I can't see it, though. Jake's a nut.

"Emma Katherine! How's my favorite niece?" He asks, pretending to put me in a headlock.

"I'm gonna tell Sasha you said that" I say, grinning.

He just shrugs. "I'll just deny it" he says, chuckling.

We kick-box for quite awhile without talking.

"I'm telling you what, Em. You're good. Really good" he says, impressed.

"You're just being nice" I say, shrugging my shoulders as I slip to miss his hook.

He stops suddenly and stares at me. "Quit that. I mean it. Quit putting yourself down all the damn time. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I'm not a fluffy guy. I don't tell you what you want to hear. I give it to you straight. Probably why I can't keep a girlfriend, now that I think about it" he chuckles after he says that.

"I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. Say it. Say 'I'm pretty kick-ass'" he says, looking at me.

I just look at him and roll my eyes.

"I'm not kidding. Say it now" he says, looking hard at me.

"I'm pretty kick-ass" I say, blushing.

"Yeah you are" he says, giving me a high five.

We start again, and he talks after a minute, after I block his uppercut. "Any boys you interested in?" He asks, with a smile.

I smile and roll my eyes. "Just one. He likes Sasha though" I say sadly.

"How do you know he likes Sasha" he asks, blocking my jab.

"Everyone likes Sasha" I say simply.

He does some fancy footwork then, and I look at him and raise my eyebrows. He chuckles "I can't teach you all of my moves yet, Emmy Kate. One of these days you're going to be able to beat me up" he says, trying to get through my block.

"Why do you think he likes her?" He asks again.

"I've known him my whole life. I know he likes her" I say, sadly.

He stops for a second then and thinks. "You're talking about Trace, aren't you?" He asks, looking hard at me.

I just shrug. "Doesn't matter. He likes Sasha, Sasha likes someone else. We always want people who don't want us" I say, getting my hook to connect to his chin.

"Ouch" he says, rubbing his cheek. "That one stung, kid" he says with a smirk.

"Sometimes they want you back...can't always sit on the sidelines" he says, ducking from my jab.

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