***~111~ Help Me***

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Taylor's POV

We can hear shots from here. I start to automatically walk forward. Liam grabs me and pulls me back.

"I'm telling you now I will force you out of here Preston. Don't make me do that. I know Ellie. She is being strong and taking care of everyone right now. When she, your kids, and Trace walk out, they're going to be looking for you. Make sure you're here" Alex says, his voice is strained.

I just ignore him as more tears fall.

I look at Greene. "We save strangers all of the time, but now our families are in there and we have to just watch? Where's our good karma? Shouldn't we get a free pass since we're good people?" I choke out.

He says nothing as he grips my hand and starts to cry again.

There's no free passes. Life sucks. We're born, then we die. What happens in the middle of that is a freaking toss-up. We continue to watch in horror as more screams and gunshots fill the school. It's close enough that we can hear it. If Ellie or the kids got caught in the hall, they're now dead. Lying on the floor, getting trampled on.
Ellie's POV

We hear the gunman go to the other set of doors. Mason and Nick run across the room and do the same thing. Lance gets up to help, and moves kids out of the way. If there's gunfire, people will get shot.

He helps a couple girls get to the wall and has them sit down. He goes quietly from kid to kid in the line of fire and gently moves them to a safer spot. The pounding on the doors is deafening. The person is shaking the doors so violently that I'm sure they're going to burst open. The tables will provide some safety, but there's still holes. Bullets can still get through.

Mason and Nick wait while the person is pounding on the door. The person is using something to try to break the door down.

We can hear cracking and popping. Sasha puts her knees up to her chest and puts her head down. She's shaking. I hold her and Luke as tight as I can, but both of my kids are in a bad way. They're going to be traumatized from this for the rest of their lives.

Suddenly the gunman starts firing. He has to have some sort of automatic riffle to be causing this much damage. Nick and Mason immediately put themselves on top of kids that are close to the line of fire. Lance runs over and does the same thing. He shields himself over Olivia, Emma's best friend. The stray bullets are ricocheting off the walls. I throw my kids down on the floor and put myself over them. My kids are not dying today. At least not these two. I have to do what I can to protect these two, and pray that Emma and Trace are safe. The danger is here. As far as I know, they're safe.
Emma's POV

We can hear a million bullets firing right now. The sound is far away.

"It's far away. We can make a run for it" I say quietly.

He shakes his head. "No, Emma, we can't. There could be more than one person doing this" he says, with fear in his voice.

"We're not all walking out of here today, are we?" I ask as I start crying. The sounds are coming from the direction of the cafeteria...Where my entire family is.

Trace immediately starts crying. "I don't know. But you are" he says seriously.

"Luke" I whisper, putting my head in my hands.

Trace silently starts sobbing.

"I'm not losing my best friend either, Emma" he says after a minute.

"Don't say it again" he says darkly.
Ellie's POV

The shots continue for what feels like hours. When they finally stop, there are holes in the doors and the tables. This would be a lot worse if the tables weren't there.

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