~132~ Difference of Opinion

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Ellie's POV

Mason and Sasha are moving in today. Taylor paid an insane amount of money for the workers to get the remodel done quickly. What should have taken a month, only took two weeks. Sasha told us privately about how strapped Mason was this month. I think the moment Taylor found out he was making himself broke for his family, he gained a point with Taylor.
Taylor would literally do anything for his family.

Mason, Liam, Taylor, and Alex are over at Mason's house moving him out. Sasha, Emma, and I are upstairs getting things done. We've decorated the bathroom, hung curtains, and decorated their living room. The baby's room is just storage right now. They can decorate their own room together. We also got them a mini fridge, so they didn't always feel like they had to come downstairs. We want them to feel as private as possible.

Luke has been pouting. He isn't thrilled that Mason is moving in, and he's equally unhappy that Sasha basically gets an entire "cool" apartment. He's being a brat. We've let it go on for weeks, because this is an adjustment for all of us. However, Taylor and I are about out of patience.

Before Taylor officially had the workers start the remodel, he sat Mason down.

"I know that you don't agree with spanking, but that's how we do it in this house. Emma has only been spanked three times in her entire life. Luke gets it a lot. If you come into my home, you will keep your opinions to yourself, and you will not interfere with my parenting. I will extend the same courtesy to you once your child gets here" he says, looking hard at Mason.

Mason nods. "I don't agree with it at all. The thought makes me sick. That's the last you will hear of it though" he says quietly.

Taylor just nods and goes in the other room.

The boys pull up in the U-haul, and start unloading.

As they're coming up the stairs, us girls are doing what we do best...bossing them around.

We're telling them where to set the furniture. And then having them fix it when it's still not right.

"El, I swear you haven't changed" Alex says, chuckling.

"Don't pin this all on me. Your niece is the one calling the shots" I say, putting my hands on my hips.

"Where do you think she learned it from?" Alex smiles, giving me a hug.

"You're a brat" I say, shoving him playfully.

"This space looks awesome. It turned out great" he says, looking around. "Lilah's got an eye out for one of these houses. She was already in love with yours, but once she saw Liam's she can't stop talking about them. How would you feel about being neighbors one day?" He asks with a smirk.

"I'd absolutely love it. Let's take over this whole dang neighborhood" I say, giving him a kiss.

"Grandpa!!!" Savannah says, jumping into Alex's arms.

"There's my girl. How are you?" He asks, kissing her cheek.

"Daddy spanked me yesterday" she says, furrowing her brow.

"Uh oh. I don't like hearing that. What did you do?" He asks, hiding a smirk.

"Didn't listen to Nora" she says, shrugging.

"How's come?" He asks, sounding uninterested. He knows as well as I do that this is becoming an issue.
She won't listen to Nora AT ALL"

"She's not my mommy" she says simply.

Liam is in the background listening, and his face is pained. This is a harder adjustment than he was hoping.

"I know, Savvy. She's not trying to be your mommy. You still need to be a good girl" he says kissing her cheek.

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