~82~ Bonehead

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Ellie's POV

I drive home and say nothing. I'm so mad at him. He just silently stares out the window. He continually wipes his mouth with his hand. His mouth must still be watering.

We get home and get inside. The second we're inside he speaks quietly. "Can I please get some water?" He asks, looking at the ground.

"Yeah" I say.

He rushes to the kitchen and gets a bottle out of the fridge. He's drinking the water, and also spitting some out into the sink. He's still struggling to get the taste out of his mouth.

He's drank two bottles of water by the time I come into the kitchen.

Once he finishes the second bottle, he looks at me and grimaces. "That was the worst punishment I've ever had" he says seriously.

"Well, did you learn anything, at least?" I ask him.

He nods. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I'll never call you that again" he says, looking at the counter.

"I hope not. I'm disappointed in you. I thought this was behind us" I say after a minute.

He nods. "So did I."

"You broke something that meant a lot to him. You've lost your PlayStation. We will not buy you another one. When you get a job and save for one, then you can have another one. For now, you're just going to have to see if dad will keep letting you play the Xbox. You have two weeks to get it sold" I say sternly.

He says nothing, but his chin is quivering. This has hurt him, and it's hurt him badly.

"Can I please work off the money?" He asks, once he's under control of himself.

"That's what you're going to do if what you sell the game system for doesn't cover all of it. It should, though."

"Please don't make me get rid of it" he begs. His eyes actually look a little glossy...Like he could cry.

"Why? You destroyed something that he can't replace. It was autographed, Lucas" I say, not feeling sorry for him.

"If I can figure out a way to fix this whole thing, can I please keep the PlayStation?"

"There's no way you're going to be able to fix this. Lance said it's destroyed."

"Uncle Justin knows a bunch of people from Iron Man. Maybe he could help me" Luke continues to try.

I sigh. He must really want his PlayStation badly.

I look at him hard for a minute and nod. "You have one week. Hear me? One week to figure it out and replace it. Otherwise, I will put it up for sale myself. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am"

"You're grounded for three weeks. Have you apologized to him yet?"

"Yeah. I did when Principal Mills had us both in the office"

"Ok. Go change into basketball shorts."

"Momma, can I please stay in my jeans? The paddle is awful."

"No" I say simply. Darkly.

He sighs and goes upstairs silently.

I wait a few minutes to make sure he's changed, and then I knock on his door.

"Come in" he says sadly. He really does hate the paddle. He has since the first time I used it on him. He always begs for the belt.

When I get in and look at him, I have to stifle a chuckle. He looks so scared.

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