~105~ Rich

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Liam's POV

Mom and Taylor are acting kinda funny tonight and I'm not sure why. They're being really secretive and they've been on the phone all night. One of the kids must be in trouble.

"Daddy, can I have some candy?" Savannah asks as she climbs in my lap.

"Maybe" I say with a smile.


"Well, I'm needing a kiss first" I say, smiling my stupid smile at her.

She smiles big and kisses my cheek.

"Can I have candy now?"

"Sorry, no. It's too close to bedtime" I say, trying to keep a straight face.

"You tricked me" she says, folding her arms.

I laugh. It's hard to tell someone no when they NEVER throw a fit.

"I'm just kidding. You can have one piece" I say, stealing another kiss.

She smiles as she gets off my lap and goes to the kitchen.

An hour later I put her to bed. As I'm sitting on the edge of her bed, I rub her back. It's the only thing that gets this girl to fall asleep.

"Are you happy, Savannah?" I ask as she's starting to drift off.

"Yeah" she says sleepily. My heart is about to burst. I've been doing my best to make this girl happy. I truly think she's starting to be.

I go downstairs and see mom and Taylor. They still have funny looks on their faces. I ignore it. It's not my business.

When I sit down, they both shut the TV off. "Can you kids go upstairs please? We want to talk to Liam for a minute" Taylor says sternly.

I suddenly feel like I'm 17, and about to get the paddle.

The kids go upstairs and I just silently stare at them. Waiting.

"Am I in trouble?" I finally ask. I mean, I'm an adult for crying out loud.

That's when mom and Taylor start laughing. "Five bucks" he says, holding his hand out to mom.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"I told her you were going to ask that" he snorts.

"What's going on?" I ask, unamused.

Taylor sighs and looks at me hard. "Will you keep quiet until you hear my whole spiel?" He asks with a grin.

I just nod.

"Well, now that my dad died, I'm pretty stinking rich Liam" he says, smiling.

"Congratulations" I say snarky. Taylor never talks about money, so it's weird that he's bragging right now.

Taylor snorts and rolls his eyes. "I asked you to keep your mouth shut" he laughs.

I clamp my lips together, mimicking zipping my lips and throwing away the key.

"Can I continue?" He asks, with a spark in his eye.

I just nod.

"I'm pretty rich. Oh, sorry...your mom and I are pretty rich. So rich, in fact, that we have enough money set aside for all four of you kids. It's a lot" he says, gauging my reaction.

"We are giving each of you $750,000" he says.

"What?!?!" I ask, completely stunned. I had no idea that rich actually meant rich.

"Liam" Taylor says, acting annoyed.

"Sorry" I say, closing my mouth.

"We're not giving the kids their money until they're 30. I don't want them to blow it. If you want your money, we will go to the bank tomorrow and I'll transfer it to your account. However, we had another idea we wanted to run past you" he says with a smile.

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