~26~ Let's go, Boys

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Liam's POV

We're leaving for the airport in a minute. I get to mom and Taylor's house, and say nothing. I don't even say hi to Sasha or the twins.

"You nervous?" Sasha asks, after a minute.

"What do you think?" I snap at her.

She narrows her eyes, but says nothing.

Mom and Taylor say nothing either as they grab their bags and finish getting things together. I can tell they didn't appreciate me snapping at her though.

We're just waiting for dad now. Lilah is dropping him off and then the kids are going with her back to their house.

"I still don't see why I have to share a room with Emma. Just because he messed up doesn't mean that my life needs to be ruined too" she hisses.

I just glare at her. Even though Taylor can't spank me anymore, if I throw his daughter across the room I wouldn't doubt that he'd punch me.

"Sasha, this is your one and only crack because I know this adjustment is hard. But if I hear one more thing like that, you and I will go upstairs and have a discussion. Am I understood?" Taylor asks, his voice strained.

"Yes sir" she says quietly.

I just continue to glare at her.

Dad gets here a few minutes later. "You ready guys?" He asks as he gives mom a kiss and claps Taylor on the back.

I say nothing. Am I ready to go get a daughter I don't even know? Nope. Can't say that I am.

We get into mom's car and Taylor starts driving. Dad and I are in the back.

"Dang, El, I'm impressed. You're driving is so shitty, I can't believe you haven't killed this by now. It's been, what, 5 years?" He asks, trying to keep his expression serious.

Taylor starts laughing.

"Ok, I'm tired of the cracks, you bozo. You were the one that was supposed to teach me. Remember? Not my fault you dropped the ball, Alex" she sneers at him.

"I didn't drop the ball" dad laughs. "My leg was in traction. There wasn't any way I could teach you" he argues.

"Well, technicalities" she says, dismissing it.

Taylor chuckles. "What the heck did you do to get your leg in traction?" He asks.

"Ummm. My dad" he says, not going into any details.

Taylor says nothing, but I can see his jaw clench.

"So, while you were in the hospital, loafing, I had nobody to teach me. So enough with the remarks" she says.

"What about your dad?" Taylor asks her.

"He was pissed I was pregnant...I hadn't had Liam yet. He refused to take me driving; So Jake did. And well, you know Jake. I learned enough to pass my test" she says.

Everybody dropped it after that

We get to the airport and we go through security. I still haven't said a word to anybody. We get on the plane and I take the window seat. Mom sits next to me in the middle, and Taylor sits next to her. Dad is across the aisle, sitting close to Taylor. He and Taylor are talking about the easiest way to get the rental car.

Once we take off, mom silently takes my hand and squeezes it. She says nothing, but just having here here, holding my hand, is helping. I don't move my hand at all. We stay like that for over an hour.

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