~118~ Let Me Love You

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Emma's POV

I get to school and Trace is already waiting at my locker.

"Hey Em" he says as he gives me a kiss.

"Hey yourself" I say, kissing him back. I don't know how a person could possibly get hotter, but he is. The blue he's wearing is making his eyes pop. I honestly have never seen another person that I'm more attracted to.

He takes my books and we start walking to class. We have the same first hour...History with Mr. West.

We get to class and Mr. West smiles at us. Our seats are right next to each other, so he sits in his seat and leans over, still holding my hand. Once the bell rings, he squeezes my hand once more and let's go.

Mr. West lectures for most of the class, and I'm taking notes. Even though he's my favorite teacher, he's also one of the toughest. His tests are hard.

Once he's done lecturing, he passes out a study guide for us to fill out. The test is in just a couple days. Thankfully he gives us the last 15 minutes to get started. I get started right away while Trace is goofing off with a couple of his buddies.

This is why everyone loves Mr. West. He could care less that Trace and his friends aren't working. He always says that he gives us free time, it's up to us on how we spend it.

As I'm working on my study guide, I hear a couple cheerleaders behind me whispering.

"How much longer is he going to put up with her, do you think?" Summer asks.

"I'm surprised it's lasted this long. He will get bored eventually. He's probably just waiting for her to give it up. She's not even cute" Lexi says.

"Not at all. I just don't understand where she came from. Sasha and her mom are tiny. This girl must be adopted" Summer sneers.

"How much you wanna bet that I can make Trace dump her?" Summer continues, laughing quietly.

"Didn't you already sleep with him?" Lexi asks.

"Yeah. Several times. It won't be too difficult to get him to do it again. I give it a week, tops" Summer snorts as she reaches over and taps Trace's shoulder.

Trace immediately turns around and looks at Summer.

"What's up?" He asks with a smile.

"There's a party tonight at Max's house. You wanna go? Bring Luke" she says, smiling sweetly.

"Nah, I'm good" he says turning back around.

I can see her glare at me and then whisper back to Lexi.

"It's just cause she's right here. She's going to totally ruin him. Hopefully he's done slumming soon, because this could turn him into a loser" she says, popping her gum.

They both just chuckle as they go back to their work.

When the bell rings I get up and head to my locker. I don't wait for Trace like I normally do. Trace immediately catches up to me.

"What's wrong, Emmy?" He asks, as soon as he sees my face.

"Nothing" I say with a forced smile.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks, nervous.

"No" I say as I head back to my locker.

"Is it cause I didn't work on the study guide?" He continues.

"No, Trace" I say with a more gentle smile as I unlock my locker. He watches me for another minute as I swap out my books and close the door.

"You sure you're ok?" He asks as he takes a strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear.

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