~102~ Protect my Baby

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Taylor's POV

Liam unbuckles his belt and folds it in half. He shakes his head slightly and closes his eyes for a minute. Liam isn't used to being so serious. He is
NOT a strict, serious guy. Ever since I met him, I was drawn to his carefree nature. He just makes life fun.
Watching my son be so serious right now is hard. It's unnatural.

After another second he opens his eyes and walks over to him. Luke has just been patiently waiting this entire time. It's taken a good two minutes for Liam to work up his nerve. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're bracing for a spanking, it feels like a lifetime.

He puts his left hand on the small of Luke's back. "You ready buddy?" He asks softly. His voice is filled with pain.

Luke just nods. I can see him tense up his body. He's anticipating the worst.

Watching another man spank my child is hard. My instinct is to beat the shit out of Liam. I wonder now if that's how Alex felt when I was doing it to Liam?

The first lick I can immediately tell that Liam could have gone harder. He's nervous. At least it wasn't too hard though. Luke doesn't even flinch. He's probably pretty relieved right now. I'm sure he thinks this is going to be a cake walk.

After the third lick, I say something. "You can do it harder, buddy" I say gently.

He nods and the next swing was good. It wasn't too hard, but it was definitely hard enough. Luke finally tenses up.

"Good. Keep it at that strength" I say quietly. Liam just nods again.

After about twenty licks or so, Luke is starting to fidget. Liam had to stop mid-swing once so he didn't accidentally hit his back.

"Be still, Luke. I almost just murdered your back," Liam says, stressed out.

Luke immediately stops moving.

Liam gets in a good rhythm then. I notice after a while that Luke's knuckles have turned white. He's hurting. He's hurting bad. For just a normal spanking, this is when I would end it. His shoulders are moving up and down. He's not crying, but his breathing is picking up. I always end it when his breathing gets quick. Luke doesn't know that though. I never wanted him to know what I base it off of and trick me.

After several more licks, Luke starts moving his head back and forth. He's absolutely dying right now. Every part of me wants to end this. But this one has to count. He has to remember this one for the rest of his life.

"How we doing?" Liam asks, starting to get stressed out.

"He's hurting. Keep going for a bit longer," I say sadly. No parent wants to see their kid in pain.

Liam nods, but I can tell that wasn't the answer he was wanting. Finally we can audibly here Luke's cries. His cries turn into screams shortly after. Every lick of the belt brings another muffled scream. It's tearing me to shreds.

"10 more, Liam" I say after another second.

"Ok" Liam says as he swings the belt on his thighs. Luke bucks up in pain and starts choking on his sob. That one hurt. I remember my dad doing the thighs on me. It's excruciating.

Liam hits his thighs several more times, and Luke is doing everything he can to keep still.

At this point I'm ready for the spanking to be over. He still has several more licks to go, but I can't stomach any more.

"Enough, Liam" I say when Liam is in mid-swing. He doesn't even connect it to Luke's butt. He stops it before it hits him, and sighs in relief.

He immediately sits on the bed and starts rubbing Luke's shoulders and kissing his head.

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