~137~ Failing

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Luke's POV

I walk into history class and Mr. West is glaring at me.

"Luke, can you come here for a minute?" He asks in a dark tone.

I roll my eyes and go up to him.

"Yeah?" I ask when I get up to his desk.

"This is the third test you've failed. Your project wasn't good either. If you don't start trying a little, you're going to fail this class. Your grades were fine last year, what's going on?" He asks, frustrated.

"Lucky for me I have a live-in teacher, huh Mason?" I say quietly.

He didn't appreciate that.

"When we're at school, it's Mr. West" he says darkly.

I just roll my eyes.

"Quit with the attitude. I mean it. You don't raise your grade, you won't be eligible for football. I don't want you missing out on your senior year. Quit goofing off all of the time and start doing your work." He says, getting even more mad.

"Yes sir" I say as I salute him and sit down. He silently glares at me for a long minute. Then he shakes his head and starts his lecture.

At lunch I go up to mom's table.

"Mom, can Trace and I go to the movies after practice tonight?" I ask, ignoring Mason's stare.

"Do you have homework?" She asks in a funny tone.

I shake my head.

Suddenly Mason lets out a sigh and shakes his head. Mom notices.

"Something going on?" Mom asks him.

Mason shakes his head but continues to glare at me.

"No. Come home after practice" mom says.

"Mom, come on. It's Friday" I whine.

"Lucas" mom says in an eery tone.

"Thanks a lot, Mr. West" I hiss as I go back to my table.

When I get home from practice I get in and grab a soda. Mason is at the table grading papers, and mom is chatting with him.

"Lucas Reed, get over here now" mom says, raising her voice.

I sigh and take my soda over to where they are.

I don't say anything as I go over and sit in the chair across from mom.

"You lied to me" mom starts.

I just nod. I did lie.

"Emma spent hours on the last project. I don't think I saw you working on it at all. Can I see it?" Mom asks me with an attitude.

I sigh and get in my book bag, handing it to her.

Mom looks at the paper, and reads all the red marking. I'm surprised Mason still has ink left in his pen.

"Luke, you didn't even try. He was being nice by only giving you a D-" she says, shaking her head.

I don't say anything.

"You've failed your last several tests?" She goes on.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Didn't realize parent/teacher conferences were so soon" I bark.

"Don't you dare have an attitude with me, young man" she snaps.

Mason looks between mom and me, but says nothing.

"I want an explanation" she says, glaring at me.

"This is stupid. He's the toughest teacher I have. His workload is insane. He gives a new paper or project out like every two weeks. I can't keep up with all of it" I say, getting mad.

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