~161~ War

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Ellie's POV

The next day I get home from work and Taylor is in the kitchen. He stares at me hard when he sees me.

"Hi" he says simply.


He sighs. "Can we talk, please?"

I just look at him.

Mason comes in and sees us, and silently goes up to the attic. He must not want to witness round two.

"I understand that you're upset, but he's gotten attached to Manny. I will not make him get rid of him."

"Ok" I say simply as I go and get a soda from the fridge.

"That's not the answer you wanted, was it?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter, Taylor."

"Of course it does" he says quietly.

I just ignore him.

"So that's it? You're going to pout until I give into you?"

"I'm not pouting"

"You are 100 percent pouting."

"Ok, Taylor" I say as I leave the kitchen.

He follows me into the living room.

"Go away" I snap.

"No. I haven't seen my wife in 24 hours. I'm not going to go away."

I roll my eyes. "It's been an amazing 24 hours. Go take another shift" I say, going up the stairs and shutting the door to our room. I lock the door and then take a bath. I'm so mad at him.

I come out about an hour later, and I've changed into comfy clothes. Taylor isn't happy with me.

"So until I make him get rid of the snake, this is the attitude I'm going to get?" He asks, getting mad.

Luke is now home, and he's looking at me with disgust. He and Taylor are a team now. Funny. I always thought it was Taylor and I who were the team.

I just ignore him. He doesn't want to talk, he wants to fight.

He sighs and shakes his head.

That night I don't lock the door. I still hope he won't come in though.

He does come in.

"You didn't lock the door, that's nice of you" he spits.

I glare at him. "Just because I didn't lock the door doesn't mean you're sleeping in here."

He just looks at me.

"Ellie, come on. What are you so mad about?" He asks, shutting the door and coming to sit on the bed next to me.

I continue watching my show.

He sighs and takes the remote and shuts the TV off.

"Manny is harmless. He isn't poisonous. We've never even gotten bit. The only reason he got out was because I was stupid. Luke is extremely responsible with him. He's a cool snake."

"Don't care" I snap.

"ELEANOR" he says. His voice is shaking. He's so mad that he's trying hard to keep his tone civil.

"Go ahead and yell. I'm a big girl" I say.

"I disagree. You're a big freaking baby."

"Just go. I don't see why you even want to be here anyways" I say, trying not to cry.

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