~175~ Nail Polish

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Ellie's POV

Liam and Nora have been on their honeymoon for almost a week, and Savannah has been a terror. Alex actually had to spank her the other day. He's never spanked her before. He came over afterwards and cried.

"It's one thing to spank your kid, it's a whole other thing to spank your grandkid. I don't want to ever do it again" he says seriously.

We've got Savannah tonight and she's being cranky.
She's missing Liam and Nora; They won't be back for another couple of days.

Alex has been working diligently on a case for Mason. It's not going as quickly as anybody had hoped. Alex is confident he's found a lead though, but he won't tell us what it is.

"If it's true, it's bad. I'm not telling Mason about it until I have to" Alex says sadly to me and Taylor one night.

Even though he's ready to fight for them, I know this is breaking his heart. They are still his parents. He doesn't want to do it.

We're all downstairs hanging out when Luke and Savannah start arguing.

"Saavy, that's enough. You're going to hurt him" he says, trying to get his turtle away from her.

"I am not. I just want to paint his toes" she says, glaring at him.

"Savannah you can't do that. It will hurt him" he says, trying to grab for his turtle.

She takes the turtle and shields him. "Back off Luke, you're being stupid" she spits.

"Savannah Lucille, that's enough. Give him back Sonny right now" Taylor says sternly.

"That's a really stupid name. Manny and Sonny? You're awful at naming things" she says, sticking out her tongue.

"Last chance Savannah, before I take you upstairs and give you a spanking" Taylor says, getting agitated.

She sighs and hands the turtle back to Luke.

Luke puts the turtle on his lap and lets Sonny hang out.

Then she starts in on Mason.

"Wanna play Mario Kart?" She asks him.

Mason smirks and shakes his head. "Not tonight, thanks Savannah" he smiles.

"Cause you're awful at it?" She asks.

He nods. "I am awful at it" he agrees.

"Well, how are you going to get better if you keep being a baby about it" she asks, glaring at him.

Mason's eyes are amused, but he says nothing.

Taylor rolls his eyes, but he lets that slide. He doesn't want to spank her at all.

"Come on, Luke. Just let me paint his shell" she whines.

"Absolutely not, Savannah. If you ever do, you're going to be in big trouble" Luke says darkly.

She rolls her eyes. "Nothin' you can do about it" she snaps.

"Maybe not, but there's something I can do about it. You've had an attitude for days. This is your absolute last chance to stop before I give you a very sore bottom" Taylor warns.

She crosses her arms and glares at him. He stares back at her, daring her to continue.

"Savannah, go put the nail polish away. You're messing with the cap and I don't want it getting spilled on my couch" I say gently. I know she's just lonely, and I feel bad for her.

She looks at me and her eyes soften a little. We're still just as close as ever, even though Nora is in her life now.

"I just really want to make him pretty" she tries again.

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