~143~ Indecency

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Luke's POV

Mom and I haven't talked much in a couple of weeks.
She's being insane. So Trace and I have a fun time together. Big. Freaking. Deal. It's obvious that she was a loser when she was growing up.

Trace and I have plans to go to the mall tonight. We invited Emma, but she wanted to get some kickboxing in with Jake.

I go downstairs and grab my keys. Mom is in the living room, reading a book.

"I'm picking up Trace and we're going to the mall" I say quickly.

"Ok, Love. Be back by 11" she says as she kisses my cheek.

"K" I say as I head out the door.

I get to Trace's house and wait for him. Megan follows him out to the car.

"I mean it, young man. You two better be good tonight, hear me? Just because I've never spanked you before doesn't mean I can't" she says darkly.

"Yes ma'am" he says as he kisses her cheek and gets in my car.

"Man my mom's been lame lately" he says once I take off.

"Yeah. She's getting ideas from my mom" I say, rolling my eyes.

We crank the stereo up way too loud and jam like idiots until we get to the mall.

Once we're there we start doing the usual. Arcade...food court...video game store.

We've been here several hours when I suddenly get a fun idea.

"Dude, let's go ask those hot chicks at that Sephora store to put makeup on us" I say, cackling.

Trace snorts. "No way they will do that. They know we won't actually buy anything" he says, shoving me.

"So we will buy something. The majority of our family is woman. We'll just tell them we won it or something" I say, chuckling.

"What are we waiting on? Let's get beautiful, my dude!" Trace says, jumping on my back.

We get in and go up to the counter.

"Can I help you?" This super hot chick asks, looking annoyed that we're here.

"Yeah, I've got $40 to spend on some makeup. Can you help us find something that matches our skin tone?" I ask, batting my eyes.

She is not amused. "Look, I've got actual paying customers. I'm not interested in wasting my time" she snaps.

Trace and I both look around. "Looks like we're the only one's in here, ma'am. And we are paying customers. I have $40 too...that's $80" Trace says, getting a small attitude.

She sighs and pops her gum. "Fine, sit down" she says, annoyed.

By the time she's done with us, we're beautiful. Our lips are pink, our cheeks are glistening, and our mascara and eyeliner are on-point.

We are cackling as we give her our money and they give us our stuff. Best $80 ever spent!

"Dude, let's go into Macy's and get some clothes to match our makeup" Trace laughs.

"I'm so in. I want some pink heels to match my lips" I snort.

We get in the store and start looking in the ladies section. I found the PERFECT pair of heels. They match my lips wonderfully.

And THATS when I see it..... a sequenced hot pink bra and panty set.

"DUDE!!!!!" You thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask as I eye the thing.

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