~34~ We Have a Situation

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Ellie's POV

"Alright Darlin', we're out." Taylor says as he scoops me up in a hug. He picks me up off the ground so he doesn't have to bend down to give me a kiss.

I kiss him back, with a little more passion than I normally do when we say goodbye.

"Hmmmm" he says, surprised by my kiss. "You and I could just play hooky and do this all day" he says, nuzzling my neck.

"Let's do it" I say, giving him a wink.

He smiles his crooked smile at me.

"It doesn't matter how old I get, you two. It's still gross" Liam says, rolling his eyes as he shuffles Savannah out the door to take her to school.

Taylor chuckles as he kisses me once more. "Love you, baby girl" he says as he grabs his bag and leaves.

I hate these mornings. I hate saying goodbye.

I get to school and Luke and Sasha go ahead of us.
Luke is starting to get a little better. He at least looks at me when he sees me in the hall now. I haven't noticed him bullying anyone else lately, but that doesn't mean he isn't. I just haven't caught him.

Around lunchtime, I head to the cafeteria. I decide to get a grilled chicken sandwich today and a Pepsi. As I'm heading into the lounge, Lance stops me.

"Ellie, you haven't sat with us for a while. Wanna join?" He asks, looking more hopeful than he should.

"Sure" I say with a smile. I purposefully haven't sat with them for a while. Like I said before, I'm too old to be in cliques. I'm not interested. I usually sit with some other teachers in the lounge. I actually really, really like them. One is an older English teacher. Her husband is dead and her kids don't come around much. All she has is this job. I enjoy her company.

I follow Lance out and sit at their table.

I sit next to Sarah Hutchins. She's my favorite. She is still completely crushing on Nick Chase, the PE teacher, and he still doesn't even talk to her.

"How's it going?" I ask Sarah as I unwrap my sandwich.

"It's great. I wish you'd sit by us more" she says, eating her sandwich.

I'm able to lie pretty easily when I want to. "Thanks, but all three of my children are in this lunch, and I don't want to always humiliate them. My son especially. He's so embarrassed that I work here" I say with a chuckle. That part is the truth, but I really could care less about embarrassing them.

Nick chuckles and says "He has nothing to be embarrassed about" as he takes a bite of his burger.

I didn't appreciate that. He flirts with me more than Lance does.

I ignore it and Sarah and I talk for a few more minutes. Suddenly I hear Liam...

"Mom" he says quietly.

I look up and see Savannah and him standing there.

"Are you guys ok?" I ask, completely shocked to see them. He's still in his uniform, and she should be in school.

I hear Sarah and Jana, a science teacher, gasp quietly. I'm not blind. I'm well aware of how completely gorgeous my son is. They are both staring at him, totally ogling.

He nods. "The school called and said she isn't feeling well. I came and got her. I've got a doctor's appointment in a bit but I didn't want to wait that long. Can you check her?" He asks, panic in his voice.

"Come here, pretty girl" I say, pushing my chair from the table so she can walk around. She folds into my arms and rests her head on my chest.

"What doesn't feel good" I ask as I check her forehead. She doesn't feel warm.

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