~106~ Needed This

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Ellie's POV

I've been working all day trying to get Savannah's room packed for Liam. He's been busy working at his place, trying to get it ready. Savannah is taking our guest room (the room Liam has been staying in) for when she stays over. I've been busy making that into her room, and sorting out what goes to Liam's house.

While doing that, I'm also helping Emma get situated back into her room. Sasha is pretty thrilled to have her own room again.

It's 6:00 pm and I go down to the kitchen to order a pizza. Suddenly, I see an actual mouse scurry across the floor. I scream bloody murder and jump on the island.

Taylor, Liam, and Luke all rush in to see what's wrong.

"What's wrong, Ellie?" Taylor asks, getting panicky.

"Mouse!" I yell.

Taylor starts chuckling. "Yeah, what about her?" He asks, confused.

"No, Taylor. Mouse" I say, still shaking.

"Ellie. You're the one who wanted her" he says, still not getting it.

"Taylor Reed Preston...Naming a cat Mouse was the stupidest idea you've ever had. Get the REAL dang mouse out of my kitchen and leave my poor sweet kitty out of this" I yell. I'm still on the island, looking like an idiot.

Finally understanding washes over him, and the three guys start howling. Taylor is laughing so hard that he has tears.

"Where did it go?" He asks, trying to get himself calmed down.

"Over there" I point to under the table.

He looks over at Mouse washing her paws and rolls his eyes. "You literally have one job. I don't ask for much. You can't even catch a mouse, Mouse?" He cackles. He's thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Quit laughing and start catching" I say, frustrated.

Savannah comes into the room now. "Grandma, you said we can't sit on the island. Why are you standing on it?" she asks.

"Mouse" I say, shaking my head.

"Since when have you been afraid of Mouse?" She asks, picking Mouse up and kissing her.

The guys start dying all over again.

"Maybe that wasn't such a good idea for a name" Liam snorts.

Taylor gets on his stomach with the flashlight on his phone and starts searching. "Yup, there it is. Get me a broom or something, will ya?" He asks.

Luke goes over to the closet and gets a broom.

Taylor grabs it and starts poking. Suddenly the mouse runs out and darts across Taylor's back.

"Ack. Get it, ya bozo's" Taylor says, snickering.

Suddenly Savannah sees what's going on and she screams bloody murder. Before I know it, Savannah and Mouse are on my island too. Mouse is literally watching the mouse scurry around, and she's completely uninterested.

"Our cat is broken" I say, annoyed.

That brings another fit of laughter from the boys.

Finally Liam gets the gross thing cornered, and Luke covers it up with a bowl.

"Now what?" Luke asks Taylor.

"I don't know" he says, trying to figure out what to do.

Taylor grabs the garbage can and tips it over. He takes it to the bowl, and quickly flicks the bowl, with the mouse inside of it, inside the garbage. He takes a pan and covers up the top quickly so the mouse can't get out.

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