~170~ Going to be a Mom

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Sasha's POV

We're snuggled in bed watching a movie. The baby has been kicking like crazy today. I put my bare stomach on his bare stomach and snuggle close. He starts chuckling.

"This kid of mine is wide awake, huh?" He asks, rolling over and putting his hands on my belly.

"Yeah. He's going to keep me up all night I have a feeling" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Why are you so sure it's a he?" Mason asks, still cupping his hands on my stomach, feeling our baby wriggle.

"Just a feeling. I could let you know for sure if you would just let me call the doctor. I want to know so
bad" I say, kissing him softly.

"No you don't. I want to be surprised. You find out if you want but I don't want to know until it's born" he says, kissing me back.

"It's not an it...It's a baby" I say, annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to know what this active little person is until the day they are born" he says, kissing me again and gently getting on top of me.

"Wanna get lucky?" I ask, kissing his neck.

"I am lucky" he says simply.

"Wanna have sex?" I try again.

"Heck yeah I do" he says, kissing me deeper.

The next morning I wake up and Mason is still sleeping. He never sleeps in. I kiss him gently and then go to take a shower. It's Saturday, and I actually have nothing to do today. I suddenly start feeling like I want to do something.

I take my shower and then I get on my phone and start scrolling through Instagram.

He gets up about an hour later and kisses me gently.

"Man I didn't realize I was so tired" he says, yawning as he heads to the bathroom.

He comes out and looks at me hard.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I just had a thought" I say

"Oh yeah?" He says, raising an eyebrow

"I'm going to be a mom" I say simply.

He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Um, yeah" he says

"No I mean, in like, 4 months I'm going to be a mom. We don't have the nursery started at all" I say. The nursery is still just a storage room.

He nods. "So let's get started on the nursery" he says.

I nod. "With what money? I've got $1000 saved. That's not a lot" I say.

He sighs and sits down. "Josie's dance wiped me out this check. I have nothing. I don't know what to do, Sash" he says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I sigh. "Well, this baby doesn't need anything fancy. We will make it work. Can we go to some thrift stores today and look around?" I ask.

He just nods. "I've gotta put this baby first. Let me think about this for a second" he says, getting out his phone. He's on his phone for a minute and then he nods.

"Ok, I can swing $100 with this check. Think that's enough to get one piece of furniture? Maybe we can find a crib or something at a second-hand store?" He asks.

"I have money in my savings. I just told you I can get it" I say softly.

He shakes his head. "I'm providing for this baby, Sasha" he says sternly.

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