~76~ Betrayal

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Taylor's POV

It's been such an amazing trip. Actually, these last few weeks have been amazing. Getting to spend an entire week with my girl alone was exactly what we both needed. I have never felt closer to her. More in love with her. We worked on ourselves a lot during that trip.

We only have a couple of days left for this trip. It's gone by quickly. This might actually be our best vacation yet. This is the first year where not one single kid has gotten into trouble. Normally Trace and Luke do something stupid, but this year, so far, everyone has been perfect.

My guess is that Trace has been so preoccupied with how to tell Emma that he likes her, that he hasn't had time to get into trouble. Fine by me...I'd rather just enjoy my vacation.

Today is a lounge day. The kids are swimming, and the adults are drinking...Everybody but me and Ellie, that is. I honestly never thought I would ever turn down a beer. The day Ellie left me, though, I lost all interest.

It's only 6pm, but Megan is completely smashed. I've actually never seen her so drunk before.

Everyone is eating pizza. Ellie is hoping some of the greasiness will sober her up. Otherwise, she's going to be hurting tomorrow. Wes has been drinking all day, but he's not really bad at all. He's been pacing himself. He might be a little tipsy, but he's very much aware of how drunk Megan is.

"Meg, I think you've had enough" he says with a smile.

"Probably. I can't even feel my lips" she says, cackling.

Jake is chuckling. He loves it when people are drunk
and making a fool out of themselves.

"Ellie, remember when you first started, and you took the rap for me with Jones?" She asks, swaying a little.

"Oh yeah. That was fun" Ellie says, rolling her eyes.

"The next shift Wes came up to me and Keegan. He said that he woulda' asked you out if Taylor didn't have a thing for you. He said that you were a badass and that it was hot" she says, cackling.

"MEGAN!" Wes says, mad and embarrassed.

"What? It's true. I got crazy jealous because I was so in love with you" she says, still laughing.

"I can't believe you just said that. I'm sorry guys" Wes says, humiliated.

I just hold up my hand, letting him know that it's not a big deal.

"She's drunk. She won't even remember this tomorrow" Ellie says gently.

"Yeah, but the rest of us get to" he mutters under his breath.

She laughs even louder. "Don't be embarrassed. It was a long time ago" she says as she takes a bite of pizza.

"You had a crush on Ellie?" Trace asks, laughing.

"I didn't have a crush on her, knock it off Trace" Wes says, looking like he wants to melt into the ground.

"No, he was in love with your mom. He had a huge crush on her. For years" I say, trying to help. Wes is my best friend. Maybe he thought about asking Ellie out once, but he had true feelings for Megan. He had them for years before Ellie even started at the firehouse.

Megan starts laughing again. "Yeah, Trace. Don't be like dad. Don't wait 5 years to tell Emma how you feel" Megan says, crying she's laughing so hard.

The entire room goes silent. DEAD SILENT.

"Megan, you need to go to bed" Wes says, livid. He grabs her arm and pulls her off of the couch. She's so drunk, she's swaying. He slings her over his shoulder and walks to their room.

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