~146~ Unwelcomed Guest

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Taylor's POV

I'm in our home office working on the computer when Mason comes in. He has a really funny look on his face.

"Are you ok?" I ask, immediately shutting the computer and standing up. Something is wrong.

"Someone is at the door for Ellie" he says in an off tone.

"Ok?" I say

"The lady looks just like her. Any chance it could be her mom?" He asks, barely above a whisper.

"Shit" I say as I go to the front door. Mason follows quietly behind me.

As soon as I see the woman, I know. Even without Jake's picture I would have known. It's like I'm looking at Ellie, but in the future. Like I'm seeing what Ellie will look like in 20 years. She's just as beautiful as Ellie is. Did she clone herself? This is unbelievable.

"Can I help you?" I ask in a dark tone. She immediately stiffens.

"Are you Taylor?" She asks shyly.

I say nothing...I just glare at her.

"I'm Eliza... I'm, uh, I'm Ellie's mom" she says quietly.

"What do you want?" I ask, just as dark.

"Is she here?" She asks.

I shake my head. "She's not. You need to leave" I say, my voice is dripping with hatred.

She shakes her head. "I really want to see my daughter" she says, practically begging.

I shake my head. "Doesn't really seem like you're in the position to request that, ma'am. That's Ellie's decision. If she wants to see you, she will find you" I say as I start to shut the door in her face.

She puts her hand out and stops it from shutting. "Please. I'm begging you. Can I please stay until she gets home?" She asks, almost crying.

I shake my head. "Never in a million years would I allow that. You walked out on one hell of a daughter. You should be ashamed of yourself" I say as I slam the door and lock it. I look at Mason and I shake my head.

"What am I going to do?" I whisper, frantically.

He shakes his head. "I have no idea" he says sadly.

I make sure she leaves, and then I call Meg.

"Hey Meg. Something has come up. Ellie is at the store. Anyway you can call her and see if she wants to go to dinner or something? I need her out of the house for a while......No. Everything is not ok. Her mom just showed up.....Yeah, lucky me. I just got to meet my mother-in-law for the first time in 20 plus years....You're the best. Thanks Meg" I say as I hang up.

Then I call Jake, Alex, and Liam and have them come over.

They all come over within half an hour, and all of us, plus Mason, are sitting in the living room.

"What do I do?" I ask, after I tell them the story.

Everyone is quiet for a minute while they all process what I've just said.

"You've got to tell her" Alex finally says.

"Do I?" I ask, unsure. Do I really have to tell her?

It's quiet another minute as everybody thinks.

"Yeah" Liam finally says.

"You don't want this coming back on you" he says, scratching his forehead.

Alex nods.

Jake hasn't said a word.

"Jake?" I ask.

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