~78~ Grudge

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Ellie's POV

I glare at Trace another minute before speaking. Taylor and I made a rule when Trace was born that we wouldn't blur the lines. I hardly ever reprimand him. If he's done something stupid, I always tell Megan or Wes. This time is different, though. Obviously I won't spank him, but he's not just getting out of this until Wes is ready for him.

"Ok, here's what's going to happen. I'll be your stand-in mom this one time. You're going to regret this decision really, really quickly. Your mom goes a lot easier on you than I do with my kids. Once we leave you will not watch TV at all. You will be doing chores the entire time you're at my house. Do you understand me? If the guys get busy tonight and your dad can't have you go to the station, well, I will continue making you to do chores until bed. When my kids are in trouble, bedtime is at nine. Still want to come with me?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Yeah" he says quietly, looking at the floor.

"Don't look at the floor, look at me" I say, my tone getting scary.

He immediately looks at me. "Yes ma'am" he says, still fighting tears.

Then I look at Mason. "Did he say why he did it?" I ask him.

He just shakes his head. "He won't say anything" he says, still mad.

"Start talking" I say to Trace loudly.

He looks at me and then at Mason. "It was a dare" he says quietly.

"Who dared you?" I ask darkly.

Trace shakes his head. "Ellie, I did this. I'll take the rap for it."

"Was it Luke?" I ask, suddenly feeling sick.

He shakes his head. "No. He's not even in the class. I promise it wasn't Luke."

"Then tell me who it was" I say, losing my patience.

"No. I'm not ratting out my friend."

"Was it Porter?" Mason asks darkly.

Trace just looks at him, and looks back at the ground. It was obviously Porter.

"Ok, I'll get Porter in here next" Lance says, annoyed.

"I hear he's the cool teacher. Why would you do that to him?" I ask, confused.

"It wasn't anything personal. He left his wallet on his desk and Porter dared me to get money out of it" he says quickly.

"Did you get all of your money back?" I ask Mason.

He just nods.

"Ok, you owe him an apology" I say after another minute.

"I'm sorry, Mr. West" he says, looking at the ground.

I start chuckling as I look over at Lance.

"Would you consider that an apology?" I ask, my voice is thick with snark.

"Nope" Lance says, crossing his arms and glaring at Trace.

"You went through his personal things without permission. Not only that, but you stole from him. What were you going to do with the money?" I ask him.

"Once class was over and Porter left, I was going to give him back the money. I wasn't ever going to keep it. I really am sorry, Mr. West. You're my favorite teacher, I wasn't going to keep the money" he says, crying.

Mason's face immediately softens. He isn't mad anymore.

"I appreciate that, Trace" he says gently.

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