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Ellie's POV

It's awkward in this kitchen. Dad and Justin are just glaring at me. Taylor is silently standing next to me, looking like he wants to fight them.

Thankfully Liam comes through the door then, and Jake immediately follows behind him. Safety in numbers.

"Hey mom!" He says as he comes over and kisses my cheek.

"Hey Darlin' I say, kissing him back.

"Did you drink a beer?" He asks, shocked. He can smell it on my breath.

"Yup. Needed it to get through an evening with these two" I say darkly.

Dad chuckles humorlessly. "We came here to surprise you. Your birthday is tomorrow" dad says, annoyed.

"Wow! Didn't realize I meant so much to you. Can't believe Justin would want to spend his birthday in a hick-town with nothing to do" I say, rolling my eyes.

"I don't" Justin says darkly.

"Don't start" dad says to him quietly.

I just sigh and open the fridge, trying to decide what to make.

Taylor shuts the fridge gently. "You're not making a huge meal with, like, a minute heads up. I've already got Jerry's delivering food at 6" he says with a smile.

"Thank you" I say, kissing him again.

"Good, plenty of time for me to yell at you. You're lucky you're not little anymore, young lady. You'd be getting the worst spanking of your life" dad spits.

I immediately see Taylor stiffen.

I chuckle. "Oh, come on dad, don't let that stop you. I hit back now, though" I say darkly.

Jake just snorts. He's going to thoroughly enjoy tonight.

Luke comes in then, and immediately goes up to Justin.

"Seriously, Uncle Justin, thank you. I owe you" he says with a smile.

"Don't mention it kid" he says, grinning back.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?!?" Dad screams

I don't even flinch.

"Just so I have my stories straight, what exactly do you know? Don't want to tell you something else by mistake" I smirk.

Jake laughs this time and shakes his head.

"Jacob Lee, I'm not happy with you either" dad says over his shoulder.

"What did I do?" Jake asks, getting defensive.

"You should have told me" he spits.

"Well he kinda already did" I mutter under my breath.

"Ok, let's start with your hysterectomy. I should have known about it, Eleanor" he says."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"Because a dad should know when his daughter has had major surgery" he says, looking at me like I'm an idiot.

I nod. "Ok, daddy. I promise that the next time I have my uterus taken out, I will let you know" I say.

Taylor chuckles quietly beside me.

"How's the menopause thing going, Ellie? That's going to make you old, real quick" Justin jokes.

That made me mad. "I'm sorry, Justin, I'm having trouble looking at you. Get a better plastic surgeon next time. Your Botox looks ridiculous" I spit out.

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