~67~ Bully

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Ellie's POV

Today I'm on a mission: Catching my bratty son. Although I know this mission will be challenging, I have accepted it, and am going to see it through. I just have to strategize a bit.

I decide to go to each of his teachers and get their thoughts on it. What they've noticed. When I get to school, I have time to make the rounds. The kids are not allowed to be in their first class for another 25 minutes. I start with the PE teacher.

"Yeah, Ellie....I'll be honest, he can be a jerk. I mostly see it when they're on the track. He trips kids constantly. He's even pantsed a few kids" he admits, sheepishly.

"Why haven't you ever said anything?" I ask, shocked.

"Well, I have to him. I make him run a lot, and I have given him several detentions" he says.

I just nod. "Ok, well, can you start texting me every time he does something? I'm building up a case so I can nail him" I say with a goofy grin.

He chuckles. "You've got it" he says, snorting.

It's basically the same with every teacher. Some have noticed more than others, but basically they all have informed me that my son is a bully. Fantastic.

I think about skipping Mason's class, but I decide against it. He's his teacher. I wanted to speak to every teacher. It takes me a minute to work up the nerve and go in.

When I do, Lance is in there and they are goofing around, being stupid. The two are laughing like little girls, and Mason throws a globe at him playfully.

He happens to see me, and he goes from fun guy, to the serious Mason I see all of the time, in an instant.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there" he says, his face is immediately sober.

"I can come back if I'm interrupting" I say, awkwardly.

"You're not" Lance says, still chuckling.

"I was hoping to speak with you for a second" I say, looking at Mason cautiously.

Lance immediately sobers up.

"Umm....sure. Everything ok?" Mason asks, on edge.

"Uh, well.... I'm going to ask you something and I want you to give it to me straight" I say, completely serious.

He just nods. He's nervous.

"Is my son an ass?" I ask bluntly.

Lance coughs, trying to hide his laughter, and Mason has a twinkle in his eye. He wants to laugh too.

"Uh, Mrs. Preston, I'm not sure how to answer that question" he admits, looking at Lance quickly.

"Honestly" I say simply.

He looks at me hard for a minute. "Yeah, he's an ass" he says bluntly.

"Dang it" I mutter under my breath.  Both of them try to hide a smirk.

"Well, that's unanimous. I have literally gone to each teacher this morning. Crap" I say, biting my lip.

"Give me examples" I say, crossing my arms.

That takes him by surprise. "Um, well, last week he knocked this kid's books off of his desk and kicked them across the floor. The kid was, um, well he isn't in the same group as Luke. All of Luke's buddies thought it was hilarious" he says quietly.

I just nod. "Why has nobody told me?" I ask, looking at Lance.

"We've taken care of it all individually. Detentions, warnings, extra homework" he says. I can tell that Lance is going to start prattling. I put up my hand to stop him.

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