~123~ Door

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Emma's POV

Trace and I are holding hands into the school. "I really don't want to be here today. I'd ask you if you wanted to skip, but I'm not about to be the reason you get in trouble" he says with a smirk.

"Well, we could" I say, smiling back.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "No, Emma. If this was just any girl, I'd say let's do it. I can't stand the thought of you getting spanked. There's absolutely no way you are skipping" he says, kissing my head.

I snuggle into him as we're walking into the building. It's cold today.

We get in and we go to our first hour. By the end of the day, I'm ready to leave. It was a long day.

"I was planning on coming over and hanging out with Luke, so I'll see you in a bit" he says, kissing me. He takes my breath away. I see several girls look at us and roll their eyes. They know as well as I do that they are more in his league than I am.

We get home and no one is here yet. We're never the first ones home. Dad isn't even working today, so it's weird he isn't here. I go upstairs and Trace follows me. Without thinking I shut my door. He lies on my bed and stretches out, relaxing; I go over to my desk and put my books on it.

"Wanna watch TV?" He asks me with a grin.

"Sure" I say, grabbing the remote and flipping it on. I snuggle into him and we watch an episode of Fear Factor. Trace is kinda obsessed with it. He's convinced that he could do most of these stunts and that all of the contestants are chumps.

As we're watching, he starts tracing patterns on my back. It feels so good. I snuggle into him more and just enjoy the back rub. He starts tracing the outline of my bra-line...Feeling it. He knows how I feel about saving myself for marriage. I haven't even let him touch my boobs yet. He doesn't try anything, he just continues to trace patterns and feeling the clasp on my bra. I'm suddenly wanting more. I don't understand these feelings, but they're exciting.

I lift my head up and start kissing him. He's so distracted in what the contestants are eating that it takes him a second to come to reality. Once he does, he kisses me back hard.

We're making out for several minutes, when I'm suddenly wanting to do more. I take his hand and I put it on my boob. He immediately stops kissing me and looks at me hard.

"I will not have sex with you, Emma. I heard what you said at Homecoming" he says seriously.

I chuckle as I kiss him again. "I'm still waiting until marriage, but I'm also ready to do a little more" I say.

"Emma" he says, hesitating.

I immediately understand why he's hesitating. He doesn't want to. The reality of that was like a blow to the stomach.

"It's fine. I understand" I say, sitting up and trying to hide how much my feelings are hurt.

"Emmy, it wasn't a rejection, it was a hesitation. I'm nervous" he admits.

"Why?" I ask, shocked. He's experienced at this.

"Because this is the first time this kinda thing has ever meant anything, and it scares the crap outta' me" he says seriously.

"So you want to touch me?" I ask, embarrassed.

"Of course I do" he says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

I smile as I start kissing him again. He hugs me tight and brings me down to the bed. He slowly puts his hand under my shirt and rests it on my stomach. I immediately flinch away.

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