~138~ Piper Elizabeth

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***This chapter may be a trigger for some. It's about a call that Taylor and Liam have at the station. Please proceed with caution***

Liam's POV

Shift is going slow today. There hasn't been much to do. I'm making all of my men do drills, because I feel like being a tyrant.

Suddenly we hear the bell.

*Engine 20, Truck 80, Squad 10, Ambulance 20, house fire, 1932 W Acerage Lane

We rush to get our turnout gear on and head to the scene.

The fire is bad. It's real bad.

"Clark, your team take the first sweep, we're on venting" Greene yells as we head inside.

My crew and I make a sweep. "Tony, I've got one. Get him out and I'll keep looking" I say quickly.

"Yes Lieutenant" he says as he takes the victim out of my hands.

I continue searching and I'm not seeing anyone else. I'm using my thermal imaging camera and coming up empty-handed. Suddenly I can swear I hear something. I start to head into a bedroom.

"Clark, get out NOW" Chief yells into the radio.

"I think someone's in here, Chief. Give me two minutes" I say into the radio.

"Negative. Get your ass out now. It's going to blow" Chief says loudly.

"Chief, one minute. Please" I beg into the radio as I get closer to the bedroom.


I can't stay. I could lose my job if I defy the order. I run out quickly. I get out with seconds to spare. The entire house explodes.

I just stand there. There was someone in there, and I just let them die.

Taylor comes over and shoves me roughly. He slams me so hard into the truck that my head hits hard. If I didn't have my helmet on I would have a concussion right now.

"Young man, I don't give a shit how old you are. You ever pull a stunt like that again and I will kick your ass. Do you hear me?" He screams.

I don't even acknowledge him. I just shove past him as I watch Diego's unit spray the water cannons on the engulfed house.

It takes an hour to get the fire out. We go in after and do another search.

I head to the bedroom. That's when I see her. A little girl. I left a little girl. She's dead because of me. I saved myself, and left her behind. Someone's daughter.

Taylor comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It was my order. This is on me, not you" he says sadly.

"Don't touch me" I snap as I shove past him.

The next day I leave the station quickly. I've avoided Taylor the rest of this shift.

I go home and drink until I can't stand anymore. I had called dad beforehand, and he took Savannah for me. Nora leaves me alone...She knows how dark of a place I'm in. I drink until I pass out. I don't wake up until the next day.

The next day I'm still in a bad way. That little girl is dead because of me. She couldn't have been older than Savannah. That could have been Savannah.

Mom called and asked us to come over for dinner. I don't want to, but she was adamant. We go over around 4:30.

"Hey bud" mom says as she gives me a kiss.

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