~29~ Realize

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Ellie's POV

It's been a month. A hard, long, and emotional month. I really thought by now Savannah and Liam would be forming bond; They're not. Neither one will let their dang guard down. I can't blame Savannah, she's 8, but I'm about to smack Liam. He needs to grow up and start acting like an adult. I'm sick of the pouting.

Savannah is amazing. I am starting to see her real personality. She is more on the serious side, but there's a touch of Liam's goofiness in there too. Her and Taylor get along great. She's really starting to like the teens too. She's forming a connection with everyone. Everyone that is, except Liam.

That first week was a hard adjustment for the teens. Sasha especially. Sharing a room with Emma was starting to get to her.

Savannah was in the living room playing with her Barbies, and the rest of us were in the kitchen.

"Emma, stay out of my stuff" Sasha barks as she comes down the stairs.

"What are you talking about?" Emma asks, immediately nervous.

"My papers on my desk. I had them how I wanted them, and now they're messed up. Stay on your own side" she says, glaring at Emma.

"I didn't go near your desk" she says, getting even quieter.

"So now you're lying? Daddy, you're just going to let her lie? How is that fair?" She asks, getting in Emma's face.

"Lay off, Sasha" Luke says, getting mad.

"Stay out of this" she snaps at him.

"Emma, did you mess with your sister's desk?" Taylor asks gently.

She shakes her head

"No. I had the window open earlier. Maybe the wind messed her papers up" she says, looking at Taylor with pleading eyes.

"Who told you that you could have the window open? I hate the window open. This is my room!" She screams.

"No, it's both of yours now. Sasha, I've been very lenient with you, but my patience is just about gone. Now, I will not scare that poor child anymore than she already is right now by spanking you. However, you keep this up, and I'm taking you over to Alex's and doing it there. Hear me? Last warning. Get a better attitude" Taylor says darkly. Quietly.

"Why can't Liam share a room with somebody. This is his fault" she says, still pouting.

Liam says nothing, but his face is furious. He wants to smack her.

Taylor grabs her and spins her around so she's facing him. "Did you think I was kidding? Go get your shoes on" he says, barely above a whisper. She turns around and goes to the breezeway, slipping on her shoes.

Taylor gets his phone out. "Hey Alex. Can Sasha and I stop by for a few minutes.... maybe 15? Great. Thanks" he says as he hangs up.

"Get in the car" he says, sounding tired.

Sasha glares at him but says nothing as she turns and leaves.

He looks at me and smiles. "We'll be back"

After that things started to get better. He did have to take Sasha back to Alex's a couple more times, but after that she started getting the hint.

I think Liam needs a couple trips to Alex's too. He's getting on my nerves.

Savannah comes home from school today, and I know she needs to study for her spelling test tomorrow. Her grades aren't good right now. This has all been a huge adjustment. Liam hasn't even gone through her papers yet. He's letting her watch TV, while he's playing on his phone.

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