~93~ Sleeping Through It

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Ellie's POV

I walk over to Luke, absolutely furious, and grab him by the arm.

"What are you doing?" I ask darkly.

He immediately starts shaking.

"It's not even opened" he tries, hoping to get out of this on a technicality.

"How did you get it?" I yell.

They both just look at me.

"Give me the dang fake IDs" I bark.

They immediately get the IDs out of their swim trunks.

I look at the IDs and then shake my head in disgust.

"These are so obviously fake. I'm going to go give that bartender hell" I say as I start to leave.

"Um, Ellie" Megan calls after me.

"What?" I accidentally snap.

She chuckles.

"Friends don't let friends go into a bar with drunk men, half naked," she teases.

I look down at myself. "Oh crap," I say, embarrassed all over again.

All the men start cackling again. Mason gets out of the pool, dries himself off, and puts his shirt back on. He comes over to me and reaches for the IDs.

"I'll take care of it," he says, still smiling.

"Thanks" I say, smiling back as I hand him the IDs.

He leaves without another word, and Lance gets out of the pool.

"You two have broken curfew," he says darkly.

Neither of them say anything.

"You guys are in so much trouble" Megan says, frustrated.

"I want you both in my office first thing Monday morning. I understand your parents will take care of this, but I want a crack at you too" Lance says, crossing his arms.

"Yes sir" they both say at the same time.

"Let's go" I bark as I grab Luke's bicep and drag him back to our room.

We get in, and Savannah is getting spanked. I didn't even think about that before we barged in.

"Sorry," I say as we go back out in the hall to wait.

"You're dead" I say darkly. He just nods. I can't hear a thing going on inside the room. Thankfully these rooms must be pretty soundproof.

We then see Taylor and Emma walking back up.

"Still not done? He started over five minutes ago" Taylor says chuckling.

"I bet he lectured first" I say, irritated.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asks, sensing my mood.

"Emma, Colton and Izzy are the only kids that aren't getting spanked so far this trip," I say, crossing my arms.

"Er, just Emma and Izzy. Alex took Colton back after the second quarter during Luke's third game. He was throwing popcorn at people," he says, chuckling.

"What's he in for?" Taylor asks, still amused.

"Breaking curfew, fake ID's, and attempted drinking."

Taylor's face immediately changes. "You're kidding?" He asks, glowering at Luke.

"Nope" I say, furious.

"Young man, you're getting two. One tonight and then the real one when we get home. I tore Emma up that one time. I'm not going to be able to do that here. You're just getting a preview of what's to come for you," Taylor says, absolutely furious.

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