~43~ This Sure is Boring

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Liam's POV

As I'm looking into the face of my beautiful little girl, I know what I'm going to have to do. I have to spank her. I can brush off a lot. A lot. But not this. She could have gotten hurt. Taylor did get hurt. She could have burned the house down. I can't even let my mind go to all the different possibilities.

The thing that clinched it, was her lack of remorse. She didn't care. She looked bored. I have no idea about her past. Kallie is dead. I have nobody to ask about what type of upbringing she's had. She's a good little thing, so my guess is she's had some discipline, but now, she's needing more. I have to give her more. I'm going to be sick. I haven't the faintest idea how to do this.

As I'm carrying her up the stairs, my stomach is churning. I'm almost embarrassed to spank her. Why? Mom and Taylor do it all the time. Why is it embarrassing for me to do it? Maybe because I still feel like a kid half the time. This is such a grownup thing to do. Taylor was my age when mom and he started dating... so he was my age when he spanked me for the first time. That's insane. I always thought he was so old.

I go into her room and set her down on her bed. I then go and shut the door. She still doesn't look scared, she looks bored.

I kneel down next to her, and hold her hands in mine.

"I need you to listen to me, young lady" I say as I get her attention. "What you did was wrong. Once we get done with your spanking, you are going to apologize to grandma and Taylor. Then you will help pick up some of the mess. Whatever is safe for you to clean, you're going to do it. Tomorrow you will be in your room all day. You have lost your Barbies for three days. Do you understand me?" I ask, looking at her hard.

"You're mean" she says darkly.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. I love you, Savannah, but what you did was bad. Do you have any questions before I spank you?" I ask. I'm really just stalling. I am well aware how stupid of a question that was.

"I don't want spanked" she says darkly. Daring me.

"Too bad, girly" I say as I sit on the edge of her bed next to her.

"Come on" I say as I grab her little arm and start pulling her over my lap.

She jerks her arm away and scoots so she's on the edge of the bed, and crosses her arms.

I sigh. "If you won't come over here nicely, then I'll make you. If I have to make you, your spanking will be worse" I say quietly. I'm so nervous.

She doesn't say anything, she just sticks her bottom lip out further and crosses her arms tighter.

I sigh. "Suit yourself" I say as I grab her tightly and pull her over my lap.

"Let go!" She yells. I've never heard her yell before.

I say nothing as I wrap my left arm right around her waist. She's already starting to kick.

"Quit kicking right now young lady" I say as I take my leg and pin her legs down.

She's thrashing and kicking something awful. I decide to hurry up and start. She's not making this easy on me.

How hard do I smack her? I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I let the first smack come down, and she immediately screams.

"LET GO!!!" She takes her hand and hits me as hard as she can on the leg. It actually hurt a little bit. I take her arms and pin her down as I let several more smacks fall. I hate this. I immediately start crying. What kind of a man does this to a child? This is horrible.

As I'm spanking her, getting into a rhythm, she starts to cry. Heartbroken sobs. She finally started to trust me after all this time, and now I'm doing this to her. Our relationship will forever be damaged. There's no coming back from this.

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