~63~ Love your Kid

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Liam's POV

Shift is going slowly today. We've had no calls, which is good, but we're all kind of on each other's nerves.

There's a new girl at the house. She's on truck with Greene. She's awesome. Her name's Jenny Delaney, and she gets along with everybody. She's a good addition to the house.

Jenkins moved from truck to squad, to replace Scott. Tony isn't happy that Jenkins got promoted to squad. He was hoping it would be Tatum. He and Tatum are buddies.

"Jenkins, these tools are starting to rust. Get them cleaned" Tony barks.

"Oh I'm sorry, didn't realize that there are two Lieutenants on squad, Tony" Jenkins snaps back.

"Alright you two, enough. Tony, do it yourself" I say as I roll my eyes.

I look over and see Nora and Delaney talking. I smile. I'm sure it's been uncomfortable for Nora being around all men. She's dealt with it like a champ, but I'm sure it's nice having another girl in the house.

I go to my office and start working on paperwork. After a while I hear a knock. It's Nora.

"What's up?" I ask with a smile. Her breath hitches a little. I don't know why I flashed that smile. That's my secret one that I only use when I am trying to get girls. I haven't used it in....well.....since Savannah.

"Um, you might want to get out here. I think Tony's about to lay out Jenkins" she says, rolling her eyes.

I sigh and get up, running to the bay. Sure enough, someone's about to get punched.

"ENOUGH" I yell as I step in between them. Tony doesn't realize that I've gotten in between, and he throws a punch. I've really got to thank Jake one of these days. That man has saved me from several bloody noses. I'm easily able to block his punch and throw him to the ground. I then tower over him and glare. He's starting to quiver.

"Sorry Lieutenant" he says, as he starts to stand up.

"My office" I say calmly. Darkly.

"Yes sir" he says quietly as he shuffles out.

I look over at Diego. "What happened?" I ask him. He's my best friend. I trust this man with my life. I know he will tell me the truth.

"Tony's been riding him hard all day. Jenkins made a crack about his girlfriend and Tony snapped.

I get in Jenkins' face. "You brought up his personal life?" I ask, an inch from his face.

"I did, sir. I'm sorry"

"Family is off limits. Wanna insult him? Be my guest. Don't you ever bring up someone who isn't here to defend themselves. Got me? I would have laid you out too" I spit out.

He just nods.

"Go work on the equipment like he asked you to do. I say after a minute.

"Yes sir" he says as he goes and does what he's told.

I go into my office, ignoring the stares from everyone. I shut the door when I get in.

"I'm so sorry, Lieutenant" he says as soon as the door is shut.

"I'm talking, you're listening" I say darkly.

He just nods.

"You ever hit another person in this house, or try to hit them again, you're out. We're supposed to be brothers. Have each other's backs. If you can't get along with them enough to be civil, I don't trust you at a scene. I'm writing you up for this" I say, pausing to look at him.

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