~50~ Cross the Line

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Sasha's POV

Mom and dad are starting to fall asleep on the couch and I can't stand it anymore. I have to see him. I go to mom and dad's room and go out their sliding glass door. Their bedroom is upstairs, but I can shimmy down a pole that they have. This isn't my first rodeo.

I get down and start walking. I've totally gone to his house before to see where he lived. He doesn't know that though. He only lives about 5 miles from us. I start jogging.

I get there and I catch my breath for a few minutes before I knock on the door. He lives in a small one story house. It's cute. I go to the porch and I knock. It takes him a few minutes to answer the door. When he does, his face goes white. My breath hitches. He is so freaking beautiful.

"Sasha, leave now," he says in a dark tone.

"No," I say as I push my way in.

"You cannot be here. Please leave now," he says as he holds open the door.

"How bad did my dad hurt you?" I ask, noticing how slowly he's moving, and the way he winces slightly each time he moves.

"Not nearly as bad as he's going to once he finds out you're here. I mean it. Get out!" He yells.

Tears fall down my face. "I'm going to be 17 in three weeks. Please. Nobody needs to know," I say, begging.

His face flashes pain before he can hide it. He wants me just as badly as I want him.

"I'm sorry, I've got to call Principal Mills," he says as he gets out his phone.

He talks quietly for a couple minutes, and then hangs up.

"He's on his way. He's calling your parents," he says sadly.

"I just need you to admit it. I need to know it isn't just me who feels this," I say, the tears still falling.

"You have to stop," he says as he winces. Dad really hurt him.

"Please," I say, staring hard at him.

"I can't say it... But you already know," he says, pain thick in his voice.

"I'll be 17 in three weeks."

He shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. It's still illegal," he says. He actually looks like he could cry.

"If I was turning 18 in three weeks?" I ask, trying to just get him to admit that he wants me.

He shakes his head. "You're still a student at the school I teach at," he says dejectedly.

"JUST ADMIT IT," I scream. He flinches at my tone, and then winces at the pain the sudden movement caused.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. Not only that, but you are kind and funny. It kills me that I can't date you," he says, a tear falling down his face.

"But once I graduate?" I whisper. My eyes are pleading.

"Once you are 18 and graduated, it's not illegal anymore," he says simply. I just nod. That was all I needed to hear.

"Will you wait for me?" I ask, stupidly.

He sighs. "Sasha," he says sadly.

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