~7~ Competition

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Ellie's POV

This is the weekend of Sasha's dance competition. This is my favorite time of year. All of it. I love going to the hotel for the weekend, the nervousness right before, watching my daughter and her team preform, all of it. It takes me back to when I did this.
Granted, once I got pregnant with Liam I had to stop, but still. This was my life. I love that I can live it again through Sasha.

Sasha has already left. Her team took the bus, and we are leaving in a minute. Liam is coming with us! He's a really good brother, and almost always makes it to all of the kids' stuff.

He pulls up and gets out of his car, giving Luke a high five when he walks past.

"What's up, my man?" He asks, pulling him into a hug.

"You're getting dragged to the competition too, huh?" Luke asks, smirking.

"Oh yeah. Mom's mean" he says, grinning at me as he comes over and gives me a kiss.

"Where's Emma?" He asks, looking around.

"I'm here!" She says, carrying her big suitcase down the stairs.

He chuckles and goes over and takes it from her, then pulls her into a huge hug. "How's my favorite sister?" He asks, giving her his goofy grin.

"What about Sasha?" She asks, smiling her gentle smile.

"Well, if she asks, we will tell her that she's my favorite. Deal?" He asks as he puts her suitcase in the car.


Taylor comes out then with the last of the bags and goes over to Liam. "Of course you get here when the work is done, slacker" he says, giving him a quick hug as he puts the rest of the stuff in the car.

"We've got to go. We're running late" I say, pulling on Luke gently.

"Liam, you can sit in front with Taylor if you want. I'll sit in the back with these two."

"Why can't I sit in front?" Luke asks, annoyed.

"Don't start" I say, rolling my eyes. He's been a crank today.

We leave and start the two-hour drive.

All is quiet for a while. Taylor and Liam are talking about the Basketball game that was on last night, and Luke is listening to music in the very back. Emma and I are in the middle. I love my SUV. It doesn't look like a "mom van" but it has as much room as one.

Taylor and I argued about that when we went car shopping.
"Ellie, what is the big deal? If anyone can pull off a van, it's you" He says, getting an attitude. We've been here for over an hour.

"Taylor, you want a van so much, trade in your fancy sports car and get yourself one. I don't want one." I say, raising my voice.

"Eleanor. They're huge. Spacious. They will fit everyone and all of their stuff. Plus, my love, you're driving still sucks. This way, you and the kids will be safer. Why are you being so stubborn?"

"I still haven't heard you offering up your car, Taylor" I say, getting really mad.

He sighs and walks away. He leaves me there for ten minutes while he calms down.

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