~117~ You Were My Best Friend

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Ellie's POV

Taylor and I didn't talk the rest of the night. We all
ate dinner in silence, I cleaned the house in silence, and we went to bed in silence. He slept in bed, so I know he's not too irate. We don't say goodnight to each other though. I wake up once and see him sitting in the chair, looking out the window. He never sleeps well when we're fighting.

The next morning I get ready and go to work. Taylor says goodbye, but he doesn't smile.

The morning goes quick and before I know it, it's lunchtime. Missy hasn't gotten to the table yet, so the spot across from me is open. The guys are in a good mood, goofing off and being stupid. Lana and I are talking about her shopping trip this weekend. Suddenly I see Liam walk in. I'm so sick of people making their grand appearances at lunch. They have every opportunity to talk to me in private in my office, yet they choose to talk to me in front of everyone all the dang time.

He comes in and sits down in Missy's spot. He's got a huge McDonald's coke in his hand.

"Can we talk, please?" He asks me. He's talking quietly, but everyone at the table can still hear him.

"Sure, kid" I say as I take a bite of my chicken sandwich.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I need your help. Please, can we just forget that last night happened?" He asks as he scoots the soda towards me.

I chuckle darkly and ignore the stares from everybody.

"Am I that big of a pushover that you think you can just bring me a soda and all is well? Grow up, Liam" I say as I shove the soda towards him so hard that it falls over and starts leaking out.

"Thought you said you weren't mad" he says darkly as he picks the soda back up.

"I'm not" I say with a smile.

"If you're this pissed, then fine. I'll cancel her appointments and reschedule them for when I'm not on shift. But mom, I need you to pick her up from
school" he says, practically begging.

"According to you, you don't trust me driving your daughter, Liam. Guess I didn't read the fine print.
You don't want me, until I'm your only option" I say. Maybe my feelings are hurt after all.

"That wasn't what I meant" he snaps.

"Have her take the bus. The bus stops right in front of our house" I say simply.

"Mom, she isn't going to do that" he says, exasperated.

"Then I don't know what to tell you" I say, whispering. I don't know why I'm whispering. Everyone is listening. Everyone can hear.

Missy comes in and notices that Liam is sitting in her spot.

"Hey beautiful, can I have my spot?" She asks with a stupid grin.

Liam ignores her.

"Mom, you're being a baby right now. I'm so pissed at you" he says, his eyes are blazing.

I just nod and take a deep breath. "I don't know how I can help you. You're not comfortable with me driving her, there's nothing I can do about it. You and Taylor have made it perfectly clear for 18 years how much I suck at driving. I get it, Liam" I say as I fight the tears that are trying to spill.

"Let me tell you something kid, being a parent can suck. It's hard. It's lonely. Being a single parent is in a whole other league" I snap.

"You don't think I know this? I'm doing the best that I can. What more do you want from me? I have no one. I don't even have Savannah's mom. It's all on me. All of the time. Please, just pick my kid up from her damn school" he says, slamming his hand down on the table loudly.

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