~154~ Security Blanket

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Emma's POV

I'm waiting for mom and dad and my butt is already on fire. I'm not able to stop the tears from falling. I've already soaked my pillow. This is horrible. How did I get myself into this position? All I wanted to do was skip my presentation. I had the paper done. Why couldn't he have just taken the paper and left it alone?

I wasn't planning on going anywhere when I left the house. I knew I was in trouble. The plan was to drive for a bit and then go home to face it. I went to Walmart and was walking around the store. That's when I ran into Darcy. One thing led to another and before I know it, I'm here, hysterically crying, waiting on the literal worst spanking of my entire life.

I hear mom and dad come in and shut the door. I don't even look up. My tears are still coming down in torrents. I feel mom and dad on either side of me, laying down on my bed. They both wrap their arms around me and wait for my tears to end. I cry for a long time. They say nothing as I do...They just silently sit there. Dad is rubbing my back and mom is holding my hand.

Finally I quit crying.

"Please let us in, Emmy Kate. You don't have to do this alone. Please let us help you" dad says, breaking the silence.

I just sniff. There's nothing they can do. They can't help me feel better. I can't get them to understand that Trace won't stay with me forever. Why would he? I'm a nobody.

Dad sighs after it's obvious that I'm not going to say anything.

"You're getting soap, love. I warned you that it would happen next time you drank. Just be thankful I'm not making you do it while spanking you" he says sadly.

I say nothing. What would be the point?

"Let's go" dad says, squeezing my leg.

I just get off the bed and follow them into the bathroom. Mom sits on the edge of the bathtub, while dad gets under the sink to grab a new bar of soap. He opens it up and gets it soapy under the running water. Then he looks at me hard.

"This is the punishment for drinking. I catch you drinking again, you're getting this for five minutes, and next time I will keep good on my threat of spanking you at the same time. Hear me?" He asks.

I just nod.

"Two minutes" he says as he puts the soap to my mouth. I open my mouth, too drained to fight him.

He puts the soap in, and immediately I want to reject the vile thing.

"Bite down" he says sadly.

I bite down, letting my teeth sink deep into the soap. This must be what hell is like. I don't know of anything worse than this.

Immediately my eyes fill with tears and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I close my eyes, trying to envision myself anywhere but here.

It's not working.

"30 seconds" dad says, sounding even more sad.

30 seconds as in left, or what I've done already? Surely there's only 30 seconds left. If that's only what I've done so far, I'm going to die.

"One minute" dad says.

Crap. I can't do this. I immediately start to panic.

"No you don't. You haven't been going nearly long enough. Suck it up, Emma, or I'm restarting the time" he snaps.

I shake my head as a sob erupts from my chest. This is wretched.

No matter what I do, the taste is everywhere. I'm slobbering so much that I have to swallow, or I'm going to choke. I swallow, and the suds immediately turn my stomach. That's when I start gagging. Before I know what I'm doing, I'm at the sink, gagging and spitting.

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