~199~ Embarassment

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Author's Note!

Hey guys! I decided to do a fun and simple chapter celebrating reaching 200 chapters in this book! Woohoo!!!! Yes, I'm aware that I have a few author's notes in there, so it's not "technically" 200, but still. Can you believe this book has gotten so long? I can't! Thanks for all the love!!!!!!!! So, here is a little love from Ellie and Taylor!❤️

Taylor's POV

The only people home tonight are me and Ellie. Sasha and Mason took the kids to a hotel with a waterpark. He's trying to get the kids to loosen up a bit and possibly open up. Luke is staying with Trace tonight, and Emma is at Olivia's for the night.

Ellie is upstairs taking a bath, relaxing, and I call Alex to come over. He and I are working on this insane Arson case, and I'm needing to go over some paperwork work him.

We've been going over the file for about an hour, coordinating our information.

"How's El?" Alex asks quietly.

"She's ok" I say, putting my pen down.

"She hasn't said a word since Jake came by and got her to quit being so nasty. I haven't wanted to press. I honestly don't know where her head is" I say sadly.

He nods. "She's funny about that. Even when we were little. She reads everybody so insanely well that it's hard to hide things from her. She hides things so well though. It's always frustrated me." Alex says, biting his pen.

I nod. "Relieved it's not just me" I say simply.

He chuckles and we work on some more paperwork for a little longer.

Suddenly I see Alex look up, and he has a weird look on his face. He immediately closes his eyes and puts his head down, chuckling.

"SHIT, ALEX" Ellie yells, sounding embarrassed.

When I turn to look at her, I see why.

She didn't know Alex was here. She was upstairs when I asked him to come over. She always takes such long baths, I knew I had a long time before she came down.

What I failed to think about was that we are home alone...Or at least, Ellie thought we were...

She's wearing sexy lingerie. So sexy, in fact, that it's almost completely see through. You can see her breasts completely. Her bottoms give a little coverage, but not much. She's basically completely naked right now, and Alex saw all of it.

I'm a mixture of aroused, amused, and completely embarrassed for her.

"What the hell?!?" She spits as she rushes and hides herself around the corner.

Alex is trying so hard not to laugh, but he can't help himself.

"Sorry, I'll leave" he snorts as he stands up, with his eyes still closed, and makes his way to the back door. As he's out the door, he yells over his shoulder.

"You haven't changed a bit, El" he laughs as he goes outside.

I chuckle to myself as I go and find her.

She's on the floor with her head in her hands.

"How could you invite him over? I just spent an entire hour getting primped for you" she says, mortified.

"Because I'm a complete doofus. I'm sorry, baby" I say, sitting next to her.

Her face is still completely red.

"Well, he officially saw me naked again" she says darkly.

"Not completely" I say, trying to help.

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