~80~ Playstation

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Luke's POV

I finished up my homework after school quickly. I'm stoked. Football practice got cancelled, homework is done early, that can only mean one thing...Video Games!!!! Dad has his Xbox downstairs in the living room, but I prefer PlayStation. When it's just me, and Trace isn't here, I love going to my room and playing on the PlayStation. That's exactly what I plan on doing now.

I go upstairs, flop on the bed, and turn on my game system...Nothing.

It must have gotten unplugged.

I get up and check. Everything looks fine.

I start looking at it, and I notice a HUGE crack in the console. I pick it up, and the entire thing is cracked in half.


I run downstairs.

"Mom! Was Savannah in my room?" I ask, getting mad.

"No" Savannah says darkly. "The last time I went into your smelly room you got cranky" she says, glaring at me.

Liam starts to chuckle. "His room is smelly, isn't it?" He asks, kissing her on the head.

"My PlayStation is broken. It's completely cracked."

"What?" Dad asks, confused.

"It was fine last night. Savannah, you're dead" I say, pointing my finger at her.

"Back off, Luke" Liam says, standing up and getting in my face.

"Why can't you control your daughter? She came in and broke it" I say, looking past him and starting to walk towards Savannah.

Liam immediately shoves me back roughly.

"Don't you EVER come at her like that again. Hear me?" He asks in a tone I've never heard before.

Dad decides to step in, before Liam hits me.

"Luke, calm down. Ellie, any idea what happened?" Dad asks mom.

"Yup" she says simply.

"Care to enlighten me?" I ask with an attitude.


"Ellie" dad says in an annoyed tone.

"I know who broke it. When they get home, they will tell you all about it" mom says, going back to cooking dinner.

"Apologize to my kid, right now" Liam says, still livid.

I sigh. "Sorry, Sav" I say, going over to give her a hug.

She doesn't say anything. She didn't appreciate that at all.

Suddenly Sasha walks in.

"Did you break my PlayStation?" I ask, yelling.

She jumps at my tone.

"Ok, let me explain" she says, with her hands up.

I just glare at her.

"I was looking for my favorite pen. You know, the one you always steal? I was running late and I went into your room. You had the pen on your desk and I got irritated, and I threw your basketball. Well, I threw it harder than I meant to and it knocked the PlayStation onto the ground. I'm sorry, Luke." She says, her eyes pleading.

"You broke my PlayStation because I took your stupid pen?" I ask, getting beyond livid.

"I'm so sorry"

"Get back in your car and go buy me a new one," I say, shaking.

"Luke, I literally have no money," she says, trying not to cry.

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