~9~ Too Much

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Ellie's POV

I'm so beyond angry right now. I don't think I've ever been so angry at Taylor before. This is including the time he played a game on my computer, and ended up deleting a paper I had worked on for a month. It was for a college class.

I watch as Luke makes his way over to the bed. Slowly. He's absolutely terrified. He lies down and folds his arms, placing his head in his arms.

I look over at Emma and she is already silently crying. She can't even look. She puts her head down and closes her eyes.

Liam notices right away, and he goes over to her and sits on the bed, bringing her to him. He then takes his hand and covers the ear that isn't covered by his chest. He just holds her, and looks at me.

This is the meanest thing Taylor could have done to her. He knows how much she hates when he gets in trouble.

I turn my attention back on Taylor as he raises his arm for the first strike. He brings his arm down with such force, that it makes me jump. It makes Lucas scream out in pain.

The thing you need to know about Luke, is that he isn't a cryer. Even when he was little, he hardly ever cried. Liam is emotional. He always has been. Alex has always emotional. I can be emotional. Taylor can be emotional. The girls are emotional. Luke is NOT. He gets it from my dad and brothers. He doesn't usually cry at the end of a spanking. It's only a little bit if he does. Seeing him have a tear in the car the other day was a HUGE deal.

The fact that he screamed in pain on the first one is a HUGE deal.

Taylor hits him a second time, with as much force as the first. Luke immediately starts crying, and writhing in pain.

The third and fourth strikes Taylor does on his thighs. I have never heard such sounds come from my child before. I'm going to have to end this spanking soon. After 4 smack, I can already tell.

"Taylor, you're doing it too hard" I say. He just ignores me.

He hits him three more times, and that's when I know that we have to stop him. It's been seven smacks, and Luke is already at the edge. What normally takes 20-30, has only taken 7. The next one comes down, and I know we have no more time left.

I look at Liam, and I can immediately tell that he knows too. "Liam, stop him" I say. I know there's no way I could stop him if Taylor really didn't want to stop. I'm suddenly thanking the heavens that Liam is here right now.

Liam nods and immediately gets up. He goes over to
Taylor and puts his hand firmly on his bicep. "Stop, Taylor" he says. Taylor just ignores him. Liam puts his arm out, and the belt connects to Liam's forearm. Liam grunts in pain and slams his body into Taylor, knocking Taylor over.

"You're not hitting him again, Taylor. Don't make me stop you" Liam says. I am so proud of this son of mine. Taylor is his best friend. They have been since he was 15. I'm sure doing this right now was really hard, but he didn't let it show. There is no fear in his voice.

Taylor's face starts returning to normal. Reason starts washing over him. Luke is still limp on the bed, crying hysterically.

He looks at me in horror, realizing what he has just done. He's still furious though, so the regret isn't as strong as it should be. That's when I go over to Liam and grab his arm.

"Are you ok? I ask, inspecting his arm. It's already turning purple.

"I'm fine" he says.

I go over to Luke, and I know he's still going to need another minute, so I let him be. Thankfully we stopped it when we did. This was still just a spanking. A bad spanking, but just a spanking. This did not cross the line. It would have, if Liam hadn't been here.

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