~122~ Cursed Table

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Ellie's POV

This weekend was amazing, even though Liam wasn't thrilled. Taylor and I, and Wes and Megan, needed it. We needed to get away as just us four again. Our friendship is something special.

I get to work today and I'm refreshed; I'm in a fantastic mood. At lunchtime I hear a knock.

"Want an escort to lunch?" Lance asks with a smirk.

I grin back as I shut my door. When we sit at our table, I smile at Missy. She's changed ever since the shooting. She's not nearly as nice, especially with Nick. She and Nick do not get along anymore.

"You keep eating like that, you're going to have a 'dad-bod' without even being a dad" she snorts as she looks at the pizza on his plate.

He looks at Mason and his eyes darken. Mason just shakes his head.

"Guys can't comment on a woman's weight, right?" I hear him whisper to Mason.

"Only asses do that. You're not an ass" he whispers back.

Nick nods and ignores the jab.

"So, Ellie, tell me. What's the secret to getting a man so handsome? Did you have to put out?" She asks, chuckling.

"MISSY!!" Every single person at the table says. I however, say nothing. I think she's still traumatized from that day and she doesn't know it.

"Ellie, did you have a good weekend?" Lana asks, trying to change the subject.

"It was great. We came home to Sasha having her belly button pierced, though" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Ouch" Lance chuckles.

"Yeah. The little twerp had Hannah do it. I'm just waiting for it to get infected" I say. I've been cleaning it for her, so hopefully it won't.

"How mad was Taylor?" Missy asks, getting excited. She wants dirt.

"He really wasn't. I was, only because it was dangerous to do without a professional. That and the fact she was being sneaky. I woulda taken her myself if she just would have asked" I say, taking a bite of my chicken wrap.

"You woulda' been fine with your daughter getting her belly button pierced?" Missy asks in horror.

I just shrug. "She's going to be 18 in a month. I still want a relationship with my daughter when she's an adult. We're not dictators" I say darkly.

She is surprised by my tone. I don't ever talk to her like that. She stops talking after that.

Suddenly a man I've never seen before walks in. I immediately see Mason stiffen.

"Dad?" Mason asks, horrified.

Ok, it's official. This table is CURSED! Everything always happens at lunch.

"You can't answer a damn phone call?" He asks, a little louder than necessary.

"You need to leave. I'll call you after work" Mason says darkly.

"No you won't" he chuckles. "You haven't called me back in three weeks" he says, still glaring.

"What do you want, dad?" Mason asks in a low tone.

"Have you been giving your mom money?" He asks

Mason just looks at him.

"Answer me" he barks.

"That's none of your damn business, get the hell out" he says. I can honestly say that I've never seen Mason so angry before.

"You make nothing. You really think you can support your mom and the kids?" He spits out.

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