~126~ Protect Your Honor

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Ellie's POV

It's been about a month since Marco first started noticing me. So far it's just been innocent flirting. Every single time it's happened I've let Lance know, and he's documented it.

I'm working on a few things on my computer when Marco comes in.

"Hey Nurse Preston" he says as he plops down on the cot.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Frawley?" I ask without giving him a smile. This is the fourth time he's been in my office this week.

"I'm having some pain that I want you to fix" he says with a creepy smile.

"Do you need me to call mom?" I ask, looking at him reluctantly.

He chuckles. "No, ma'am. My mom can't help me with this. It's not really a pain, more of a discomfort. I thought maybe you could relieve it for me" he says, pointing down to his lap.

"You need to leave. Right now" I say darkly.

My anger is getting him more excited.

He stands up and comes over to me. "Ma'am, aren't you supposed to be here for your students?" He asks, towering over me.

"Marco, get out of her office and get to class. NOW!" I hear Nick yell.

Marco's face immediately gets dark as he turns around and leaves, shoving past Nick.

"You ok?" Nick asks once he's gone.

"If I would ever have to defend myself, what's the protocol on that? Would I lose my job? Arrested for hurting a minor?" I ask him seriously.

"Is it starting to get to that point?" He asks, immediately getting enraged.

"Yeah, it's pretty close" I say darkly.

"Stay here" he says as he leaves.

He and Lance come in a minute later.

"What did he do?" Lance asks, with a report in his hand.

I tell them both what happened, and they're getting even madder.

"I'm going to call his parents. I'm going to warn them that I will expel him if this happens again" Lance says, slamming his hand down on the desk.

"I still need to know if I can defend myself if I have to" I ask, looking at both Lance and Nick.

"Yeah, Ellie. If it came down to it, you absolutely can. We're going to make sure that it won't come to that though" he says, giving Nick a look.

"You don't look scared" Nick says after a minute.

"I'm not. I'm mad" I say, crossing my arms.

They both just look at me like I'm crazy.

At lunch the story has made it's way down the table.

"I don't see why everyone is always so infatuated with you" Missy says darkly.

That kinda hurt my feelings. I never ask for attention. If anything, I try to stay away from it.

"I mean, seriously. Nick was more aroused than a teenage boy whenever you would sit at the table last year. I'm pretty sure Lance still is. What the hell is so special about you?" She spits.

The entire table is dead silent and is glaring at her.

Nick doesn't look embarrassed at all. He's a player and he knows it. Lance however, is furious.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say, still smiling.

"Oh yes you do. Between you and your daughter, heck, even Luke. Everybody is obsessed with all of you. It's sick" she says, taking a bite of her cheeseburger.

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