~2~ Chief

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Taylor's POV

I get to work and I go to my office for a few minutes. I need to start roll call soon.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door frame.

"Got a minute, Chief?" Liam asks with a smile.

I return his smile. I love this kid. Even though I didn't father him, I couldn't love him more even if I did. I couldn't be prouder, either. He has worked harder than anyone. He deserved the Lieutenant promotion he received last year.

He wouldn't have gotten it if he didn't deserve it. Just because I'm his step-dad means nothing. We don't act like family when we're here. I am his boss, and he shows me respect.

"I need to talk to you about Scott. I don't think he's going to work out, Chief."

"Shut the door" I say, returning his expression. There's a problem if Liam is calling a guy out.
He gets along with everyone and everybody loves him. He's got his mom's charm.

"What's going on?" I ask, putting my papers down.

"I don't trust him on squad, Chief. He's too worried about being a hero. Getting the glory. He's sloppy, and he's going to hurt someone."

I just nod. I've noticed it too. "I can't boot him, just like that, Clark. I'm going to need a LOT of evidence. He's the commissioner's kid. It's political, unfortunately" I say, hating it. It shouldn't be political.

"So what do I do?"

"Shorten his leash. Write him up for every infraction. That's all you can do for now."

Liam just sighs and shakes his head. "That's bullshit."

"Yeah it is"

"When he kills himself, I don't want to hear about it. I tried to warn you."

I just nod. There's nothing I can say.

He leaves and I go to start roll call. After ten years, there are a lot of new faces. It's just Greene, Diego, and I left. Keegan got hurt when a building collapsed on him four years ago, and he had to go on disability. They wouldn't clear him to return. That broke our hearts. He was the soul of the house.

Megan left around the same time Ellie did. She had Trace, and then got pregnant with Isabelle. She decided she wanted to stay home with them too. Greene was relieved. We both hated having our wives in constant danger. Megan and Ellie are still inseparable. They either talk or see each other every single day. Trace and Lucas are best friends too. They're always together.

The new paramedics are great. Granted, they are nothing like the girls, but they are still amazing. Nora Rhodes and Drake Wilson. Nora has a crush on Liam. An obvious crush. Liam doesn't pay attention to her, though. He's too focused on the job once he's here. She's cute. I think if she didn't work here he would be interested in her.

I start our morning meeting and go over the announcements that I need to. Suddenly I notice Adam Scott trying to talk to Nick Tony. Tony is also on squad, and he knows Clark will be on his ass after the meeting if he talks while I am. So he is just focusing on me, ignoring Scott.

"Scott, are you confused on how these meetings work?" I ask as I stop talking and focus my attention on Scott.

"No Chief" he says, looking at the table.

"What were you trying to tell Tony? Who, by the way, does understand how they work."

"Nothing important Chief." He says, looking back at me.

"Clark, you have extra work for him to do after I'm done with the meeting?" I ask, looking at Liam.

"I do, Chief"

"Perfect. May I continue now?" I ask, in a condescending tone.

He wisely says nothing, and I continue on.

I spend the majority of my day in my office. When I took this job, I never realized how much more paperwork there was. I miss just being able to go out and play cards with my men. This job is a little lonely.

Greene comes in after a while, and sits in the chair, giving me a smile.

"You all thought I was crazy when I never put my hat in the ring for Chief. By the stack of those papers, I've gotta ask, Chief, who was the crazy one?" He asks, grinning at me.

"I was, Captain" I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose. How's everything going out there?" I ask him, leaning back in my chair.

"Liam let Scott have it after you were done" he says chuckling.


"Megan called. Trace got caught skipping class today. She's bringing him by the station in a bit. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Can I borrow your office?" He asks, shaking his head.

The back offices we used for Liam when he was in trouble are now full with secretaries that they hired. The Lieutenant's offices do not give much privacy. No privacy at all, for a spanking. My office is pretty private, and it's far enough back that nobody can hear anything.

I nod. "Of course. Let me know and I'll clear out. Was Luke with him?" I ask, suddenly wary. Those two are always getting into trouble together.

Greene shakes my head. "Nope. I'm flying solo on this one."

"This is the part I hate most about parenting" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Tell me about it."

A couple hours later I get another knock on my door.

I look up and see an angry Greene and an equally unhappy Trace.

I smirk and shake my head. "Hey Trace" I say as I stand up to leave.

"Luke didn't skip with you?" I ask again, to make sure.

"No. I asked him but he had a huge test he didn't want to miss" he says, looking at the ground.

"You tried to get him to skip with you?" Greene asks, getting angrier by the second.

"Sorry, Preston" he says as he grabs him by the arm and pulls him further into the office.

I just raise my hand, telling him all is good, and leave.

I go out into the common area and see a mixture of things. I see Liam and Diego playing cards with Tony and Riley, and I see the paramedics hanging out at a table. Nora is staring at Liam, but looks away as soon as she notices me.

"Rhodes, do you and Wilson have your report from this morning done yet?" I ask Nora.

"Yes sir. I'll grab it." She says as she heads to their desk and gets it.

She hands it to me and smiles. I return the smile. She's a sweet little thing.

A while later Greene and Trace come out... Trace is still trying to get himself composed.

"Thanks, man" Greene says, still unhappy.

"Anytime" I say as I clap him on the back and go back to my mountain of paperwork.

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