~46~ Don't go Ellie Freeman

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Ellie's POV

Today at school there is an assembly. Normally I don't go to them because they don't pertain to me at all. However, Sasha and her dance team are performing. Their final competition of the year is coming up, so the school is having them perform their routine. As I'm about to leave to head to the gym, Lance pops his head in.

"Wanna walk together?" He asks, hopeful. What are we, teenagers?

"Sure" I say, giving him a smile. I appreciate that even though I know he likes me, he's never crossed the line. I appreciate that a lot. We get to the gym and we stand against the wall. The kids are all sitting and the assembly is about to start. They're all talking and being crazy. I smile when I see Luke and Trace across the gym. They don't see me, and they're acting like nuts. They're sitting with a bunch of guys, and they're throwing stuff at each other. Several girls are watching them....gazing at them.

It's fun to see them in their element. Normally I would only get to see how they are at home. Even if they're being stupid, it's fun to get to see it.

Lance looks over at me. "Guess I'm up" he says, walking away from the wall and going out in front. He starts talking, and it takes a second for everyone to quiet down. He talks for a few minutes, before introducing the dance team. Once he does, the cheers are deafening. This is another thing I would have missed if I didn't work here. I'm so grateful Taylor was so supportive of me going back to work.

He comes back over and stands by me as we wait for them to come out. Once they do, I smile. My beautiful girl is center stage, and completely in her element. How did we create such a beauty? She's my daughter and yet she takes my breath away sometimes.

The music starts and they start their dance. I notice Luke actually watching this time. He only saw one of her dances last time. All of a sudden, something catches my eye. It's Mr. West. He is staring at my daughter. He is staring ONLY at my daughter. There are 12 girls on this team, and yet Sasha is the only one he is paying attention to. I was right. He likes her. He likes her A LOT. I'm fuming.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" Lance asks when he glances over at me.

"Nothing" I say curtly.

I can see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye, and then follow my gaze. His back stiffens the moment he sees what I do. We say nothing as we both watch Mr. West watch Sasha.

Once it's over, he still hasn't taken his eyes off of her. I literally feel sick to my stomach. Could something actually be going on?

Lance says nothing as he goes back out there to talk again. I've seen enough. I decide to go back to my office.

About twenty minutes later, Lance comes in. His expression is hard to read. I've never seen him look so serious before. "Will you come to my office, please? We need to talk" he says, seriously.

I nod as I follow him to his office. We go in and he shuts the door.

He says nothing for a minute. He's looking at his desk and looks nervous. I say nothing as I watch his body language. Something is up.

"Ok, I've lost sleep over this for weeks now. It's time to tell you" he starts.

I say nothing, but my eyes are saying everything. I'm pissed. Even though he is my boss, right now it seems like the roles are reversed. I'm about to throw down.

He sighs as he starts talking. "Mason came into my office a few weeks ago. He told me that Sasha has been flirting with him pretty heavily. He said that it was getting to the point that he was becoming uncomfortable, and that he felt like I needed to be aware of it, so it could be documented." He's studying me now, waiting for me to say something.

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