~159~ Lobster

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Ellie's POV

Christmas night is winding down and it's just me and Taylor in the living room. We're sitting snuggled up next to the fire.

"I think this was our best Christmas yet" Taylor says softly.

I chuckle. "You say that every year" I say, snuggling into his broad chest deeper.

He's quiet for a minute. "I found Mason outside a couple hours ago"

"It's 12 degrees outside" I say, shocked.

He nods. "Yeah, he was standing next to the Evergreen tree in the back."

"Why?" I ask.

"I was curious, so I went out there. He was crying" Taylor says, sounding sad.

"Did he not have a good time?" I ask. He seemed to have a great time today.

Taylor nods. "He told me that this was the best Christmas he's ever had. He thanked me for letting him be apart of this family"


"How did we create this life? We both came from such broken families. How did we create this?" He asks, getting choked up.

"I have no idea" I say, kissing him gently.

We spend the rest of our Christmas cuddled up in each other's arms.

The next week we move Alex and Lilah into their new house. Lilah gives me the grand tour and I'm speechless. I've never been in this house before. The neighbors were an older couple and they were pretty cranky. We kept our distance from them.

It looks a lot like ours and Liam's, but their basement is finished. I'm jealous about that. It even has a movie theater in the basement. What kinda old people put a movie theater in their basement? Taylor is officially figuring out how to do that to ours now.
He was practically drooling.

I go up to Alex and give him the biggest hug. "Welcome home, friend" I say, kissing his cheek.

He shakes his head and chuckles. "Did you ever think we would be here? Two kids, eating a couple of pretzels for dinner in a roach-infested one bedroom dump? How did we get here?" He asks.

I shake my head. I have no idea.

The guys spend the entire day moving Alex and Lilah in. Nora, Lilah, and I unpack. I'm so thankful Lilah and I get along. She told me once that Alex refused to marry her until he had a heart-to-heart with her. He said that she was never allowed to be jealous of our friendship. That I'm in his life forever.

He didn't need to do that, but I appreciated it. Lilah is an EXTREMELY jealous person, but thankfully she never has been with me. She understands our relationship isn't physical.

"How's things going with the neighbor on the other side of you?" Lilah asks me as we're unpacking the kitchen.

I groan. Our neighbor, Katie, has a huge crush on Taylor. She has for years. She is starting to become obnoxious about it though. I am NOT doing another Jessica situation.

"She's getting on my nerves" I admit.

Lilah nods. "If she even tries it with Alex, I'm knocking her out" she threatens darkly.

I laugh. "You better ease into this neighborhood, sister. She's friends with the next five houses. You don't want to make enemies already" I say, laughing as I put a crystal bowl away.

"Yeah, well, I'm serious. I'm not as nice as you. I don't know how you put up with it. My brother has always been a ladies magnet, but still" she smirks.

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