~84~ Choose my Daughter

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Liam's POV

I'm sitting here playing cards with the men. Diego has cleaned me out the last several games and I almost feel like cheating. Losing is one thing, but losing to Diego is entirely different. The man is my
best friend, but he's also a chump.

Nora and I are kinda friends-with-benefits right now. When Savannah is in school, I go to her place a lot. It's been nice to relieve all the pent-up frustration I've had. Living with one's mommy while in their 30s doesn't do well for one's sex life.

If I'm being honest, I want to be more than friends-with-benefits. I know she does too. What's the point, though? Savannah still can't be away from mom for too long before her anxiety goes crazy. The option of moving into Nora's place is nonexistent.

I can't have Nora move into our place. I would never ask mom and Taylor for that. Plus, that's humiliating. How would I have sex right next door to my mom's room? I still have to convince myself that certain noises I hear at night are just them wrestling. I don't want them hearing us.

The arrangement we have isn't great. Not at all. But it's something.

I get up and get a water out of the fridge. Nora comes up behind me. "Can I talk to you for a minute, Lieutenant?" She asks, seriously.

I immediately think something's wrong.

"Yeah" I say, motioning her into my office.

I hold the door open for her and she looks at me. "Can you close the door?" She asks me seriously.

"Sure" I say, shutting the door.

She immediately goes over and shuts the blinds.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, alarmed.

"I've got a serious problem, Lieutenant" she says as she comes closer to me.

I just nod.

She starts lifting her shirt and taking it off. Then she unclasps her bra, and drops it on the floor. She takes my hand and brings it to her breast, and starts kissing me.

"I don't want to wait until shift is over to have you" she says, whispering in my ear.

Welp, that's all I needed. The hot moment didn't last long, maybe 5 minutes. It definitely was not my best work, but I was too paranoid that the bell would go off. Or somebody would walk in.

Five minutes was enough, though. For both of us.

Once we get ourselves situated again, she kisses my cheek lightly and leaves. I chuckle to myself. That was fun.

About an hour later Greene comes in with a funny look on his face. "Chief wants to see you" he says with a small smile.

I just nod.

I go in and knock on the doorframe.

"Wanted to see me, Chief?" I ask.

"Yeah, shut the door" he says darkly.

Crap. What did I do now?

I shut the door and sit down. "What's up, Chief?" I ask, confused.

He looks at me hard for a minute, putting his paperwork down.

"Greene and I came by your office earlier to go over the equipment expenses for this month" he says simply.

"Ok?" I ask, not yet grasping what he's talking about.

"It was while you were having sex in my firehouse, Lieutenant" he says angrily.

"What?!?" I ask, shocked.

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