~191~ Mouse and Sonny

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Ellie's POV

We're starting to settle back in and trying to put the wildfire behind us. Liam is still struggling, but he's so thankful for being alive, and being here for Nora and Savannah. He's trying his best. We convinced him to see a grief counselor; Nora thinks it's been helping.

Nora found out she was pregnant the morning before the wildfires. She hasn't told Liam yet. The only reason I know is because I found her throwing up a week ago. She isn't telling Liam yet. She wants to wait a little longer. I think she should tell him now, but that isn't my business.

The thing I love about Wes and Megan living with Alex, is that they literally go from house to house. They always sleep at Alex's, but a lot of time they're here. It's amazing. I don't think Trace has slept at Alex's yet. He's basically moved in with us. I'm perfectly fine with it, but I think it's starting to bother Wes and Megan. They are allowing it, though. Trace is still processing through losing his entire home. I think that's why Meg and Wes are here so much...They just want their family together.

Wes is over this evening, playing the Nintendo Switch with Taylor. They're playing some Mario game. I don't understand video games at all.

Everyone is on the main level tonight. Josie and Dylan are doing homework at the table while Mason is grading. Sasha is also working on homework.
Emma is sitting on the couch next to Taylor and Trace and Luke are on the floor playing with Sonny.

"I don't think he likes that, Trace" Wes says, looking down at Trace. He's waving his finger in Sonny's face.

Trace ignores the warning.

Taylor snorts, "You do know he's not a cat, right? He's not going to chase your fingers."

"He might. He's a pretty smart little dude" Trace says, moving his fingers even faster.

Suddenly Mouse comes up and starts attacking his fingers.

"Ouch, beat it cat! No need to use your razors" he says, sucking on his finger once Mouse's claws draw blood.

I start laughing. "You're playing the wrong game with the wrong creature. You need to be playing that game with Mouse" I snort.

He shakes his head. "Mouse is butting in. I wasn't inviting her to play" he chuckles, putting Mouse on his lap and kissing her head.

"Sit here and be good" he says to her sternly.

Mouse is sitting, watching Trace's fingers move back and forth.

"Ok, Sonny. You saw what's supposed to be done, come on, man...Quit being lazy" Trace scoffs.

He continues to move his fingers along the carpet quickly, trying to get Sonny to get his fingers. Does he not realize how slow turtles are?

I'm looking at Mouse, and I know she's about to strike again.

Her eyes are wide and she's following his fingers, ready to attack again.

Taylor notices too. He nudges Wes, and we all sit silently and wait for Mouse to strike.

She strikes. She gets Trace's fingers, and she gets them hard.

"Aw!" Trace says as he jerks his fingers away.

Well, the sudden movement scares the crap outta Sonny, and before any of us know what's happening, Sonny has latched his little mouth on Trace's pointer finger.

"SHIT!!" Trace yells, trying desperately to get Sonny to unlatch.

He won't unlatch. Instead, he's dangling from Trace's finger. He must really be biting down hard.

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