~49~ Nervous Breakdown

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Taylor's POV

Alex gets in the car and silently drives to the precinct. He says nothing. He's mad, I'm mad, so we're both just silently looking out the window. We get there and he silently gets out. He opens the door and waits for me to get out. He still says nothing.

We silently walk in.

"Want me to book him, Detective?" An officer asks. He's probably wondering why Alex is doing this. This is below his pay grade. He's fancy now.

"Nah. I'm just putting him in the holding tank for a bit. Thanks Porter," he says with a small smile.

I'm not being booked? According to Alex, my life is over.

We get to a cell and he opens the door. I go in silently. "Turn around, I'll take the cuffs off," he says quietly. I inwardly breathe a sigh of relief. They are killing me.

He takes them off but says nothing. I immediately stretch them out and start rubbing them. I was right. They are bloodied.

He looks at me hard for a minute before he speaks. "He's not pressing charges, Taylor. You technically don't even need to be here. However, I personally think you need a grownup time-out for a bit before you go and face Sasha. I'll get you in three hours," he says as he slams the door shut and leaves.

I sigh as I sit down on the bench. I'm suddenly relieved. I really could have messed everything up. I'm grateful for Alex. I do need time away for a bit. Time to think. I don't know how I'm going to handle the situation at home. I'm not an idiot. My daughter isn't a victim. If anything, she has done the majority of this.

How does a person handle that? How mad is Ellie going to be at me? This was at her work. No way this won't be awkward for her. I lost my mind in front of her boss...and her bosses boss. I'm going to be sleeping on the couch too when Ellie is done with me.

After a couple of hours, I'm starting to think like Savannah. Being in a time-out is boring. I hate being bored too. A person can only stare at white walls for so long. I'm ready to go home.

After another hour, Alex finally comes back.

"Your time-out is over, Preston. You good?" He asks as he opens the door.

I just shake my head. I'm anything but good.

"What am I going to do with her?" I ask, tears burning my eyes.

Alex sighs and sits down next to me.

"I don't know, man. I don't know," he says sadly.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this," he says.

"Thanks, Alex. Even though you tightened the cuffs like an ass, I appreciate you being there," I say, patting his leg.

He chuckles. "I really did tighten them good, didn't I? I was trying to get you to chill out. Didn't work. Maybe call your sister and put in a good word for me? She's so pissed at me right now," he says, shaking his head.

I chuckle. "I'll call her on the way home."

Then I roll my eyes. "My car is at the school."

"No it's not. I had someone come with me to get it. It's here," he says with a smile.

"I owe you one.....or two," I say with a chuckle.

"Just get me out of the doghouse with your sister and we will be even," he says, rolling his eyes.

I smile a little. "I'll see what I can do."

On the way home I convince Lilah to lay off of Alex. He was right. She was pissed.

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