~74~ Any Girl

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Emma's POV

I go downstairs and find Trace and Luke hanging out in the living room.

"Why is Sasha in trouble?" I ask them.

"Long story. She deserves it though" Luke says simply.

"Going anywhere today?" Trace asks me with a funny look on his face.

"No. I'm just going to hang out here" I say, hiding my face. Truth is, I'm thinking about breaking up with Levi. He's just really into the partying. Last time I even had half of a beer....Well.....It wasn't good.

I really really like him. The first hot guy who has ever paid me any attention and I break up with him. Guess a person should get to date at least one hot person in their life.

"You guys excited for next week?" Trace asks, changing the subject.

"Ah, man, I'm stoked," Luke says, pumping his arms.

We always go on a huge family vacation every year. Since dad still has a couple more weeks on disability, he wanted to do it right after mom and dad got back from their trip.

It's always a bunch of us that go. It's Trace and his family, Liam, Uncle Alex, Lilah, and Colton. This year Savannah will come too. Jake is meeting us down there. He usually rides with us, but this year he's bringing his girlfriend, and he doesn't want to overwhelm her. They are driving separate. I think they're still planning on caravanning with us though, so they can eat with us when we stop.

We always stay in a huge house. It's like a freaking mansion. Between dad, Wes, and Alex, they all make good money. They pitch in once a year and really make it fun. Liam makes good money too, I think, but dad and Alex always refuse to let him pay. "Kids are free" dad always teases.

"Emma?" Trace asks me.

"Uh, yeah. I'm excited for the roller coasters" I smile. That's always been my favorite part of the trip. We
always go to Disney for 4 days, and the beach for two. Then we sightsee the other couple of days. We're gone for about 10 days total. Like I said, the parents really make it a big deal.

I always despise the beach days. Everybody, even the parents, are skinny. Megan is more like my shape, but she is so pretty that it doesn't even matter. I don't even have the looks. Getting into a swim suit is always really hard for me.

Mom always takes me shopping beforehand to find the perfect suit. She used to take Sasha and I together, but these last few years she hasn't. She must see how much it bothers me that Sasha looks great in everything.

"Yeah? That will be fun. You should ride in our car" Trace says casually.

"I always ride in your car"

"I know. Just making sure you still were this year" he says, turning his attention back to the TV.

What is going on with him? He has been weird for months.

We've been ignoring the sounds coming from upstairs. Sasha is not enjoying herself at all. From the look of Liam when he comes back down, he wasn't either.

"You ok?" Luke asks once he plops himself down on the couch.

"No" he says sadly. "You two better be perfect freaking angels till they get back. I do NOT want to do that again. Hear me?" He asks, pointing at both of us.

"Well that sucks, Trace and I were thinking about knocking over a liquor store tonight" Luke says with a straight face.

"Yeah, well, just make sure I don't find out about it. And steal the cheap liquor. Maybe they will go easier on ya" he jokes, keeping a straight face himself.

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