~197~ Twilight Zone

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Taylor's POV

I wake up, and immediately I know something is wrong...Where am I?

I reach out for Ellie, and she isn't here. That's weird, usually I'm the first one up.

I get up and immediately I'm confused. Where the hell am I? I'm not in my room, yet this place is familiar to me.

I start looking around, panicked. How the hell did I end up in our old apartment? The one where Ellie, Liam, and I lived together? What is going on?

I rush out of my room and look around. I don't even recognize this place. I'm standing in our old apartment. Where is my house? Did I drink last night?

I hear an alarm going off. Someone else is here?

I go into Liam's old room. I see someone sleeping on the bed. What freaking twilight zone did I step into?

I go over to the mound on the bed and look...It's Sasha. She's sleeping peacefully, ignoring her alarm clock that's blaring.

"Sash!" I say, a little relieved, a little panicked.

"Get out, daddy" she says, turning over and going back to sleep.

"Sasha Jane" I say, panicking.

"Sasha what?" She asks, sitting up and staring at me, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"Jane?" I say, confused.

"Dad, are you drunk?" She asks, concerned and annoyed.

"No. What are you doing here?" I ask her. Then I look at her stomach. She's not pregnant anymore.

"Sasha Jane, what the hell is going on?" I ask, feeling like I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" She asks, annoyed.

"Because that's your name" I say, losing my patience.

"News to me. I've been called Sasha Marie my entire life, but whatever" she says, getting up and moving past me.

"Marie?" I ask, thoroughly confused.

"I've got to get to school. Are you ok to drive me or do I need to call mom?" She asks, giving me a hard look.

"Mom isn't here?" I ask, looking around.

"Um, no...I'm going to call her. You're freaking me out" she says, moving past me.

I grab her arm and spin her around. "Why can't you drive yourself?" I ask, confused. How the hell is she not pregnant anymore?

"Unless you want to let your daughter drive at 15, I better not" she snaps as she goes into the bathroom and slams the door.

She gets out about twenty minutes later, and starts getting ready.

She looks at me hard. "Daddy, what's wrong?" She asks, concerned.

"Where's mom?" I ask. I tried calling her, and her number is out of service.

"She's probably heading to shift" she says, annoyed.

"She's still a paramedic?" I ask.

Sasha looks at me hard. Then she gets out her phone. She goes in the other room. About twenty minutes later there's a knock on my door. I open it, and my breath catches. It's Ellie, looking absolutely beautiful, in her paramedic uniform.

"Did you get drunk again last night?!?" She asks, furious.

"What?" I ask. Why is she so mad?

"This has to stop, Taylor" she says, shoving past me and going into Sasha's room.

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