~54~ Mean

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Emma's POV

Things are finally starting to get back to normal at home. It's been weeks since Sasha went to her competition. She was hurting for days. I think dad felt pretty sorry for her. Actually, we all did. She even had to sit on a pillow the first couple of days.

She told me all about Mr. West. I'm not surprised. I knew something was going on. She and I were walking to class Monday after everything happened. Sasha was walking stiff, trying to act like she wasn't hurting, but she was. We both have art together, and in order to get to our art class, we have to walk past Mr. West's class. He was outside his classroom, monitoring the halls when we walk by.

Sasha immediately puts her head down, embarrassed. Mr. West watches her though. His face changes immediately. He can tell she's walking funny. Whether he figured out she got spanked or not, I'm not sure. His face is concerned, though. He doesn't like seeing her in pain.

Today I'm sitting at lunch with Olivia. Mom is sitting at the table with Principal Mills and several other teachers in the corner of the room. It's nice to see her have friends. She's laughing and being silly. I even see her throw a fry at Lance. Lance catches it, laughing, and eats it. They're acting just like kids.

I see Trace looking at me from where he and Luke are sitting with his friends. He has been the biggest jerk lately. We used to be friends, but anymore I don't even want to be around him. He's always making annoying comments, or snipping at me. It's really starting to bother me.

Levi Wells, one of the cutest boys in my grade, comes up to us and sits down.

"Hey Emma" he says with his gorgeous smile.

"Hi" I smile back, completely shocked that he's talking to me.

"Any chance you would want to go to the movies with me this weekend?" He asks, nervously.

I just stare at him for a minute. I'm trying to decide if he's serious, or if Luke and Trace put him up to it to be mean.

"Are you asking me out?" I ask dumbly.

"Ummm. Yeah" he says, smiling at me.

"That sounds fun" I say, getting excited. He is so cute. He's not Trace cute, but he's close.

"Awesome. Can I get your number? I'll text you after school" he asks, looking relieved.

I give him my number and he puts it in his phone.

After he leaves, Olivia gives me a look. "I'm telling you what, once you bought that bra, I see boys staring at you all of the time. It's like they know" she chuckles as she takes a bite of her chicken.

Suddenly Trace and Luke sit down. "What did Wells want?" Trace asks darkly.

I just look at him. Why is he acting like this?

"He asked Emma to the movies this weekend" Olivia answers, excited.

"Why would he ask you?" Trace barks, in an insulting tone.

That really, really hurt my feelings. I try to hide it, but Luke can see.

"Trace, lay off" he says sternly. Luke never gets mad at Trace.

"No, I just mean, he's popular. He could ask out anybody. Why is he asking you out?" He asks again.

I feel myself getting close to tears. Instead of saying what I feel like saying, I just get up and throw my food away, and go out to the courtyard. I know I'm not pretty, but I'm trying to have a better attitude lately.

Maybe this is just a pity date. Trace is right, Levi could date anybody.

I see mom walk up a few minutes later. "What's wrong, Emma Kate?" She asks, sitting next to me on the bench.

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