~124~ Wood

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Ellie's POV

After Taylor takes Emma's door off, she lays on her bed and watches TV most of the night. That evening when we're in bed, he reaches for me and pulls me in. "I called Wes" he says as he's snuggled into my neck.

I sigh. This is all so hard.

"I asked him not to punish him. Just to talk with him" he says carefully.

I look at him and my eyes get wide.

"I figured you were ready to spank him yourself" I say, sitting back up and looking at him.

He nods. "Yeah, it's one thing to hear about the boys having sex...It's something completely different when it involves your daughter" he says, shaking his head.

"I had so much sex in high school. A LOT. I feel like a hypocrite too. If I would have known I'd be feeling like this, I'd would have never had sex" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, not believing that for a second.

He gives me a smirk and chuckles. "Ellie, can I please touch your boob?" He asks, nibbling on my bottom lip.

"Will I have to lose my door?" I ask, hugging his neck.

He chuckles. "Oh no. With what I've got planned for you, we're going to be needing this door shut" he says as he unclasps my bra and puts his hands under my shirt. My nerve endings are already going crazy as I kiss him hard. This man knows me so well, and he knows exactly what I need.

We spend quite a while enjoying our closed door.

When we get done, we're breathless and sweaty. It takes us both a moment to rally.

"Well that was fun" he says, playing with my hair absentmindedly.

"It's always fun" I say, smirking at him.

I lay my head on his chest, and immediately flinch away.

"You're disgusting" I say

"Well that's not very nice"

"I mean, you're all sweaty" I chuckle.

"So are you" he says, a little offended.

"Will you go take a shower?"

"Eleanor, we were just in very close proximity with one another. You seriously can't cuddle me until we fall asleep?"

"I guess" I say, laying my head back down.

I say nothing as I try to ignore the sweat. He isn't usually this sweaty. This was just a really fun night.

"You're still grossed out, aren't you?" He asks after a minute.

"Yeah" I chuckle.

He sighs as he gets up and goes to the bathroom. Watching that man from behind is magical. How can he still be so beautiful? I suddenly decide to join him in the shower. I just can't get enough of him.

When we get back and are clean, lying in bed, I snuggle into him.

"Watcha thinking about, baby girl?" He asks, kissing my head.

"That bothers you, doesn't it?"


"When I do stuff like that"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he says.

"Making you take a shower"

He's quiet for a moment. "Yeah, a little" he admits.

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