~92~ Really Really Jinxed

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Ellie's POV

We get to the arena and I find Taylor. He's got the aisle seat, and there's two seats saved between him and Liam. As soon as he sees me, his face flashes relief, and then irritation once he sees Mason is with me.

"Liam is nice" I whisper in Mason's ear as we get to the rows. He subtly nods as he goes in first.

"Man, mom. Cutting it awfully close" Liam says as he nods at Mason.

"It's been absolutely crazy. Sasha just got the crap burned outta' her neck" I say, getting some Tylenol out for myself. I'm about to cut my toe off.

"Is she ok?" Taylor asks, concerned.

"Curling iron. It's second degree. It's been the worst day."

"You boys did great" I say, looking behind me at Luke and Trace. Thankfully they made it here in time.

"How's coach?" Luke asks.

"I got his nose set. He's going to be miserable the rest of your games, though" I say, shaking my head.

"Ellie Jane, this is all your fault. I told you that you were going to jinx it" Taylor says, kissing my cheek.

I can hear Liam and Mason talking softly and chuckling. I knew that they would get along.

Suddenly Sasha's dance team comes out.


They do fantastic. They don't miss a beat. Sasha's backflip she had to do was insane. The crowd was erupting by the time her dance was done. It's obvious their coach is an amazing choreographer.

"El, sorry, but I think she's got you beat. You were too clumsy to do that crazy of a backflip" Alex chuckles once they go back behind the stage.

"Hey now, Alexander Levi, I had an amazing backflip" I say, glaring at him.

He chuckles, but knows better than to say anything else.

"Ok, we've got to go. Save me a seat for her next one?" I ask, kissing Taylor.

"Always" he says, kissing me back.

"Good luck boys" I say, blowing them a kiss.

"Megan, you and I are booking a spa day next weekend" I yell down the aisle at her.

"Already booked one. I've got ya girl" she smiles as she blows me a kiss.

The rest of the day goes pretty smoothly, it's just been extremely hectic.

By the time everything is done, we're wiped.

Nick meets up with us at the end, and I check his nose. "How you feeling?" I ask, pressing gently to make sure that everything was set correctly. It was.

"Man, I'm dying. Can I take anything else?" He asks me desperately.

"Yeah. I have Motrin. Here" I say, handing him some.

"Ok, I've gotta get back to our room for a bit. I'll see you guys later" I say as I'm walking away.

"Everything ok?" Lance asks, concerned.

"Yeah. Sasha's in trouble. I've gotta make sure that Taylor doesn't actually kill her," I say with a smile.

I immediately see Mason's face flash horror. He knows exactly what's going to happen. Actually, I'm sure that they all do.

I leave and hurry to our room.

I don't know how I planned it all out so perfectly, but as soon as I'm coming down the hall, I run into Taylor and Sasha.
Sasha's POV

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