~120~ Poor Liam

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Liam's POV

I'm teen-sitting again this weekend. This time, however, I've got an extra teen. Mom and Taylor are going on a weekend trip with Megan and Wes.
Trace is staying with us. Izzy is staying with her grandma, but Trace didn't want to.

"Trace Nathaniel, you better be perfect, hear me?" Wes asks as he's kissing him goodbye.

"Yes sir," Trace says with a smile.

"Stay out of her room," he whispers darkly.

Trace just nods.

Things have been going good for about two hours. Suddenly Emma comes up to me.

"You've got a problem, Liam," she says, irritated.

"What's that, Emmy Kate?" I ask, grinning stupid at her and kissing her cheek.

"Savannah went in mom and dad's room and just dropped mom's diamond necklace down the sink," she says.

"NOO!" I hiss as I rush to mom and Taylor's room.

"Savannah Lucille Malcolm get your butt in here!" I yell once I get in their room. She comes in a minute later, with a major attitude. This girl never has an attitude.

"No need to shout, daddy," she says, crossing her arms.

"Did you go in here and mess with stuff without permission?" I ask, raising my voice.

"Yeah," she says, looking bored.

"Young lady, you're getting the spanking of a life time. Go put your nose in a corner downstairs until I'm ready for you," I bark as I go to the bathroom.

I look over my shoulder to make sure she actually did it. Thankfully she did.

I start taking all the stuff out of bottom cabinet under the sink and start unscrewing the P-Trap. So much gunk falls out. Thankfully, mom's necklace is there, it's just covered in crap. Man that coulda' been bad.

I get everything cleaned up and put back together and put mom's necklace back.

When I come down, Savannah is in the corner. "Let's go," I say from the stairs. She turns around and sighs, coming upstairs.

We get to her room and I shut the door. "Start talking," I say darkly.

"I just wanted to play."

"You have been told repeatedly to stay out of their room. You almost cost me a lot of money. Not to mention that the necklace you dropped down the sink is very special to grandma. You're about to have a very sore bottom, young lady," I say, still glaring at her.

She says nothing as she continues to glare at me.

"Let's go"

She sighs and crawls over my lap and lays her cheek on the comforter. She already has a tear slipping down. My tough dad exterior almost breaks right there. I get her situated and I start. I get into a quick rhythm, smacking her sharply. I don't want to spank her long. I hate spanking her period. It never gets easier.

I've only gotten about ten spanks in when she starts to cry. About twenty spanks in she starts to kick and thrash. I don't do penalty smacks. She's still little and I have to put that into perspective. I do lecture her, though.

"Are you going to go into grandma and grandpa's room anymore without permission?" I ask sternly.

"No," she screams, still trying to wiggle out of my grasp.

"Do you take things that don't belong to you?" I ask, still reigning down hard, quick smacks.

"No," she screams again.

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