~127~ Graduation

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Sasha's POV

Today is graduation. Mom has been crying off and on for weeks now.

This morning she came into my room and climbed in bed with me. She snuggled me close and started crying.

"I can't believe it's here. You're still supposed to be 5. What happened?" She asks, crying.

I hold her hand and kiss her cheek.

"I love you, mom" I say simply.

"I love you too. Please let us be apart of your life" she says, wiping another tear away.

I say nothing. I'm going to his house tonight. Tonight I will no longer be a student at the school that he teaches at. We can finally be together. I can't hardly contain the excitement that I'm feeling. The nervousness. The unknown.

When we get to the school, I find my friends. I see Mason over with Mr. Chase. He's directing kids on where they need to be. He sees me and gives me a wink. My stomach tightens. That's the first time he's ever done that before. Maybe he really does still want me. We're going to find out tonight.

After graduation I go and find my family. I looked over at them when I got my diploma, and mom was wiping a tear away while dad held her hand.

They're all waiting for me in a corner of the gym. There's a whole entourage of people. Jake and Sarah, Alex and his crew, Wes and his family, Liam and Nora, even Grandpa and Justin came. Mom comes up to me first and hugs me tight. "I'm so proud of you, baby girl" she says, fighting tears.

I kiss her cheek. "My turn" dad says as he wraps me up tight. "What happened to the little girl who would paint my nails to make me pretty?" He asks, wiping his eyes.

"She grew up" I say, giving him a smile.

He kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter. "Doesn't matter how big you get, you're always going to be my baby" he says, with sadness in his eyes. We are both thinking the same thing, but are saying nothing. If dad can't get onboard with this, this might be the last time I see him. I know he's savoring the moment. Soaking it all in.

We get back to our house and mom has a whole shin-dig going on. The party is huge. A ton of my friends are even there. Do they not have parties with their own families?

The party lasts for hours. I got so much money it was insane. Justin is apparently trying to buy my love, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it's working.

By the time the last person leaves, it's already 9pm.

"Man, Ellie Jane, you sure know how to throw a party" dad says, looking at the mess ahead of them.

I go over to mom and give her a kiss.

"Thank you for the party, momma" I say, with a smile.

She smiles and strokes my cheek "You're welcome, baby girl."

I look at her.

"You're heading over there, huh?" She asks me sadly.

Dad says nothing, but his entire posture has changed. He's furious. He's sick. He's devastated.

"Yeah. I've got a bag packed in the car already" I say.

She nods and wipes another tear away.

"Are you coming back?" She asks sadly.

"Probably not tonight" I say quietly.

"Are you coming back?" She asks again.

"As long as I'm welcome" I say simply.

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